1、<p><b> 中文3070字</b></p><p><b> 1963單詞</b></p><p> 本科畢業(yè)設計(論文)</p><p> 外文參考文獻譯文及原文</p><p> 系 部 會計學系 </p><p>
2、專 業(yè) 會計學 </p><p> 年 級 </p><p> 班級名稱 </p><p> 學 號 </p><p> 學生姓名 </
3、p><p> 2012年 2 月 9 日</p><p> 中小型企業(yè)財務管理中存在的問題及其對策</p><p> 中小型企業(yè)在中國經濟發(fā)展中發(fā)揮著重要的作用。統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)表明,在工商行政管理局登記在冊的企業(yè)中,中小型企業(yè)占了99%,產值和利潤分別占總額的60%和40%。此外,中小型企業(yè)所提供了75%的城鎮(zhèn)就業(yè)機會。可見其為中國的穩(wěn)定和經濟繁榮作出了重要貢獻。<
4、;/p><p> 雖然中小型企業(yè)在國民經濟中占有重要地位,對中國經濟發(fā)展與社會穩(wěn)定具有很重大的意義。但是,中小型企業(yè)發(fā)展的主要障礙是缺乏有效的財務管理。本文分析了當前中小型企業(yè)財務管理中存在的問題,并就改善中小型企業(yè)財務管理提出了相應對策。</p><p> 1.中小型企業(yè)的財務管理現(xiàn)狀</p><p> 自從21世紀以來,中國的中小型企業(yè)的蓬勃發(fā)展,在經濟增長和
6、小企業(yè)的消亡率將近70%,大約有30%的中小型企業(yè)存在赤字。中小型企業(yè)應該如何建立現(xiàn)代企業(yè)制度,加強財務管理,并科學地進行資本運作以謀求自身的健康發(fā)展,是我們密切關注的一個問題。</p><p> 2.中小型企業(yè)財務管理中存在的問題</p><p> ⑴ 財務管理理念滯后,而且方法保守</p><p> 中小型企業(yè)由于管理者自身知識水平的限制,使得企業(yè)的管理能
7、力和管理質量較低。他們的管理思想已經不適合現(xiàn)代企業(yè),并且大多數(shù)企業(yè)領導人缺乏財務管理的理論和方法,忽視了企業(yè)資本運作的作用。管理者既不重視財務事,也不參與企業(yè)政策的制定和相關管理活動。因此,財務管理無法發(fā)揮其應有職能,從而導致企業(yè)缺乏現(xiàn)代財務管理的理念,也無從去培訓合格的財務人員。</p><p> ?、?財務管理工作基礎薄弱,缺乏財務監(jiān)督</p><p> 財務管理的組織結構不合理,企
8、業(yè)內部控制系統(tǒng)沒有執(zhí)行力。因此,很難發(fā)揮其監(jiān)督和控制作用。</p><p> 注重實踐而不是輕松財務人員的培訓,密切關注會計核算和會計計算,忽視財務管理部門,降低其在企業(yè)管理中的地位。具體表現(xiàn)為:現(xiàn)金管理不嚴密從而導致閑置資金不足,存貨控制能力較差,應收賬款控制效率低下。</p><p> ?、?融資困難,資金嚴重不足</p><p> 一般來說,中小型企業(yè)的
9、規(guī)模相對較小,業(yè)務比較單調,資金投入量較大,不利于抵抗風險。因此,銀行難免會有“愛惜貸款”,“謹慎貸款”的行為,對信貸事項的貸款審查有著非常嚴格的審批程序;其次,小型企業(yè)的經營活動的透明度較差,擔保主體無法準確地貫徹落實,很難和銀行進行良好的溝通合作,并且銀行和企業(yè)雙方的信息不對稱;再次,金融中介機構并不是很完善,很少有金融中介機構和貸款擔保機構給予中小型企業(yè)貸款。</p><p> ⑷ 投資的能力并不十分科學
10、</p><p> 由于中小型企業(yè)規(guī)模都比較小,資金來源主要是貸款,這使得他們的投資能力相對較弱。因此,他們往往追求短期的投資項目,總想盡快收回投資。由于投資者的投資決策水平不高,在投資之前沒有進行科學地投資分析,并且完全沒有投資前的風險預測,但是他們卻又渴望能夠擁有大量的投資項目。其結果是“病急亂投醫(yī)”,從而導致缺少投資和投資風險增加。</p><p> ?、?內部控制制度不完善,日常
11、管理環(huán)節(jié)薄弱</p><p> 目前,大部分中小型企業(yè)的內部控制制度并不完善,其內部控制并不包括所有的部門和人員。因此,它并不能滲入企業(yè)的各個業(yè)務領域和每一個操作環(huán)節(jié)。這導致注冊會計師在對中小型企業(yè)進行審計時,出現(xiàn)計算和檢查結果不盡真實,會計信息嚴重失真的現(xiàn)象。中小型企業(yè)一般具有人員少,市場小,資金少,規(guī)模小,并且不愿高薪聘請財務管理員的特征,以致財務管理成為企業(yè)管理的盲點。</p><p&
12、gt; 3.提高中小型企業(yè)財務管理水平的對策</p><p> 著眼于中小企業(yè)的發(fā)展中的各種矛盾和問題,應該采取有效措施,以更具成本效益的方式來建立中小型企業(yè)的發(fā)展空間。為了更好地解決問題,我們必須同時采取各種測量,大力提高企業(yè)的整體素質。</p><p> ⑴ 全方位提升企業(yè)的財務管理理念,調整財務管理結構</p><p> 企業(yè)行政管理的中心就是建立財務
13、管理制度,它是企業(yè)的治理結構和組織管理等各方面理念的內在要求。應該從理論上改善財務管理的重要性和理論知識的必要性的認識,確立財務管理在現(xiàn)代企業(yè)管理的中心地位,提前成立事中和事后的全方位財務控制體制,由財務管理的內容進行擴展,改進財務工作的程序,以改善財務管理工作、促進財務管理體制的轉變。</p><p> ⑵ 完善內部財務控制系統(tǒng)</p><p> 加強財務管理和財務控制,通過規(guī)范物資
14、采購,接收,銷售及樣品的管理工作,使營業(yè)與記錄分離,形成有力的內部控制制度。加強庫存控制,盡可能精簡過期的庫存物資和材料,防止資金損失,并以科學的方法保證資本的最佳結構。加強應收賬款管理,根據(jù)賣家的信用等級選擇合適的付款方式,定期檢查應收賬款,并嚴格控制賬齡,完成資金的籌集管理。</p><p> ⑶ 規(guī)范發(fā)展,增加融資渠道,創(chuàng)造條件,解決資金困難</p><p> 完善金融企業(yè)制度:
15、為了滿足中小型企業(yè)的融資需求,商業(yè)銀行應簡化審查和批準環(huán)節(jié),開發(fā)信貸品種,提高服務水平。</p><p> 成立中小型企業(yè)的金融機構,建立中小型企業(yè)商業(yè)銀行,重點推進中小型企業(yè)的發(fā)展。政策性銀行將主要供應中小型企業(yè)在啟動時購置企業(yè)固定資產所需要的中長期貸款。對于中小型企業(yè),他們需要免息或者低息貸款。中小型企業(yè)商業(yè)銀行可由城市合作銀行、城市或者農村合作社轉變而來。這些區(qū)域性銀行要發(fā)揮對當?shù)氐慕洕鷹l件比較熟悉的特點
16、,以便服務于中小型企業(yè)。</p><p> 以更具成本效益的方式促進中小型企業(yè)的融資:拓寬中小型企業(yè),特別是小中型高科技企業(yè)融資渠道。積極發(fā)展資本市場,采取改制,兼并,聯(lián)合等各種形式進行改革,以便吸收民間資本,私人資本和外國資本的參與。這有利于促進中小型企業(yè)逐步向大型企業(yè)、企業(yè)集團,集團公司、跨國公司等方向發(fā)展。</p><p> ⑷ 重視項目的可行性,進行真確的投資決策,努力降低投資
17、風險</p><p> 一個投資項目是否能夠如期償還貸款,涉及到很多方面的因素:首先,投資方向應該適當;其次,要選擇合適的投資方式,并且投資開支要與現(xiàn)金流相對應,再通過嚴格的程序進行投資。認真貫徹設計好的每個投資環(huán)節(jié),防止由于投資決策失誤而導致的財務風險。政府部門應加強對中小型企業(yè)的引導,對于創(chuàng)業(yè)初期的中小型企業(yè),政府部門應該幫助他們選擇容易入手的行業(yè),完善更具成本效益的投資環(huán)境,以減少投資的盲目性。</
18、p><p> ?、?加強中小型企業(yè)的內部控制和資金管理制度</p><p> 加強中小型企業(yè)內部的控制和管理制度,建立完善的內部控制制度,是規(guī)范中小型企業(yè)財務管理制度的最重要環(huán)節(jié)。</p><p> 落實企業(yè)內部各部門財務管理的實施,最大限度發(fā)揮資金的作用。加強財產管理制度,建立和完善企業(yè)內部轉移貨物和材料的控制制度,設置規(guī)范的物資采購、接收、銷售及樣品管理程序。為
19、形成內部監(jiān)管制度必須做到賬物分離。</p><p> ?、?改善中小型企業(yè)的成長環(huán)境</p><p> 完善資本市場,擴大直接融資渠道,進一步改善中小型企業(yè)的融資擔保體制。就各部門根據(jù)他們自己的政策規(guī)范,以自己的方式解決問題來說,政府部門應加強相關法律法規(guī)的建設,出臺或改善有利于中小型企業(yè)盡快融資的優(yōu)惠政策。中小型企業(yè)可向政府尋求適當支持,通過客觀穩(wěn)定的融資機制,為它提供貸款擔保,信息,
20、培訓等全方位的服務。建立中小型企業(yè)的發(fā)展基金,加快提升中小型企業(yè)的信用擔保體系,為中小型企業(yè)理性融資服務。</p><p><b> 4. 結論</b></p><p> 總而言之,隨著經濟全球化的加深和中國市場經濟的發(fā)展,中小型企業(yè)將面臨更為嚴峻、更加困難的挑戰(zhàn)。他們必須在夾縫中尋求生存和發(fā)展,光靠提升企業(yè)員工素質是遠遠不夠的。只有通過全方位的政策支持和加強財務
21、管理,規(guī)范會計秩序,創(chuàng)造一個良好的發(fā)展環(huán)境,并充分利用中國國民經濟從而得到平衡發(fā)展,才能促進中國中小型企業(yè)的成長。 </p><p> The existing problems and countermeasures of financial management in small and medium enterprises</p><p> Small and medium en
22、terprises play an important role in the economic development of China. The statistical data indicate that small and medium enterprises which register in Administration for Industry and Commerce account for 99%, output va
23、lue and profit account for 60%, 40% respectively. Moreover, small and medium enterprises have offered 75% of the urban employment opportunities. Small and medium enterprises made important contribution to Chinese stabili
24、ty and economic prosperity.</p><p> Current situation of financial management in small and medium enterprises</p><p> Since the start of the 21st century, the flourishing development of small
25、and medium enterprises of China, play a very important role in the economic growth and social development. According to statistical data of the Ministry of Finance, by the end of 2005, the total number of small and mediu
26、m enterprises has already exceeded 10 million, accounts for 99% of enterprise’s total number of China. Small and medium enterprises Have offered 75% of the urban employment opportunities, The gross output o</p>&l
27、t;p> system to strengthen the financial management, and carry on the capital operation scientifically, is the question that we pay close attention to.</p><p> The existing problem of financial managemen
28、t in small and medium enterprises</p><p> The financial management idea lags behind, and the method is guarded</p><p> The administrators of small and medium enterprises are restricted by thei
29、r own knowledge, managerial ability and low management quality. Their manage ideas are out of date, and the leaders of most enterprises are lack of theory and method of financial management, ignoring the role in enterpri
30、se’s capital operation. The administrators do not pay attention to the financial affairs and participate in policy making and management activities themselves. Therefore, the function of financial management</p>&
31、lt;p> The financial management working foundation is weak, and the financial supervision is unstressed</p><p> The organizational structure of financial administration is unreasonable. The enterprise’s
32、internal control system performs no use. Therefore, it is difficult to play the role of supervising and controlling.</p><p> Laying stress on using instead of making light of training financial staff, payin
33、g close attention to accountant checks and calculates, ignoring financial administrations, which have desalinized the position in business administration of financial management. They were shown in details below: Cash ma
34、nagement is not tight which leads to funds unused or insufficient, the inventories control ability is bad, and the account receivable control is inefficiency.</p><p> Financing difficulty, the fund is serio
35、usly insufficient</p><p> Generally speaking the scale of small and medium enterprises is relatively small, the business is monotonous, fund input amount is great, and it is bad to resist risk. Therefore, t
36、he bank unavoidably has “cherishes the loan”, “careful loan” behavior, and the examination for credits loan in demand approval procedures is extremely strict; secondly, the transparency of the business activities of smal
37、l and medium enterprises is poor. Guarantee subject is unable to implement precisely, which is diffi</p><p> Investment ability is relatively weak with less scientific</p><p> Because small an
38、d medium enterprises are relatively small, the capital sources of investment are mostly loan fund, which make their ability of investment relatively weak. So they often pursue the short-term goal on the investment projec
39、t, always want to regain investment as soon as possible. Since investors’ decision level for investment is not high, and there is no scientific investment analysis that proved before investing activities, and there is no
40、 risk fully predicting before investment, bu</p><p> The internal control system is imperfect, and daily management links are weak</p><p> At present, the internal controls systems of most sma
41、ll and medium enterprises are not complete that not including all departments and personnel. Therefore, it has not oozed enterprise each business field and each operation link, which confuse accountant's working orde
42、r of small and medium enterprises and result in check and</p><p> calculate is unreal, accounting information distorted phenomenon is serious. Small and medium enterprises often character as few numbers of
43、people, small market, little fund, small scale, and reluctant to hire high salary paid financial administrator, thus make the financial administration of enterprises become a blind spot.</p><p> Improve the
44、 financial management countermeasures of small and medium enterprises</p><p> Focus on the problems and contradictions in the development of small and medium enterprises and take the effective measures that
45、 building the development space for small and medium enterprises in a more cost-effective manner. For better solve the problem, we must take various measurements simultaneously, make great efforts to improve the overall
46、qualities of enterprises.</p><p> Upgrade enterprise’s financial management idea omni-directionally, promote the financial administrative structure</p><p> The central idea of administration i
47、s to establish the financial management. It is the internal requirement of enterprise idea through each aspect of enterprise’s corporate governance structure and organizational management. The ones that should improve fi
48、nancial management importance and necessity theoretically knowledge again, establish financial administration centre status in modern business administration, set up in advance, in and afterwards the omni-directional fin
49、ancial affairs control s</p><p> Set up and complete the internal financial control system</p><p> Strengthen finance management and financial affairs control through standardizing the operati
50、on of purchase of goods and materials, receiving, selling and sample management, separated management and record to form the strong inside control. Strengthen the control over stock, compress the stock goods and material
51、s out of date as much as possible, prevent the fund from being dull, and guarantee the best structure of the fund of stock by scientific method. Strengthen the management of the account r</p><p> Regulate d
52、evelopment, increase the financing channel, create the condition and solve the problem of fund difficulty</p><p> Improve the financial enterprises’ system: Commercial bank should simplify their examination
53、 and approve links, develop credit variety, raise the service level, in order to meet the reasonable fund demand of small and medium enterprises;</p><p> Set up the financial institutions of small and mediu
54、m enterprises: Set up the policy and commercial banks of small and medium enterprises. Specially foster the development of small and medium enterprises. The policy bank will mainly supply small and medium enterprises wit
55、h the medium and long-term bank loan of the fixed assets in the course of starting the enterprises. For small and medium enterprises, they need the support of release free interest, pay interest and low-interest loan. Th
56、e commer</p><p> Develop direct financing of small and medium enterprises in a more cost-effective manner: Widen small and</p><p> medium enterprises, especially the financing channel of small
57、 and medium-sized enterprises for high technology. Develop the capital market actively, take the various forms of reforming system, annexing, uniting etc. to absorb folk capital, private capital and foreign capital to pa
58、rticipate in by shares, which make the economic scale of small and medium enterprises strengthen gradually and develop towards large-scale enterprise, enterprise group, group company, and trans-corporation.</p>&l
59、t;p> 3.4 Pay attention to the feasibility of the project, carry on the investment decision correctly, and make great efforts to reduce the investment risk</p><p> If an investment project has good repay
60、ments, it will involve the factors in many aspects: The investment orientation should first be appropriate, secondly, choose the investment mode suitable and investment spending should match cash flowing. And then make t
61、he strict and normal investment procedure. Investment project must by feasibility analysis and the whole course of the project should be supervised. Design each stages investment activity meticulously and implement, prev
62、ent the financial ris</p><p> 3.5 Strengthen the internal control system of small and medium enterprises, strengthen fund administration</p><p> Strengthening the inside control and managemen
63、t of small and medium enterprises, setting up and completing the internal control system are the important links of small and medium enterprises to standardize the financial management.</p><p> Strengthen f
64、inance management and implementation to each functional department inside enterprises, maximum the fund application. Strengthen the property control system, set up and complete the internal control system of handing of g
65、oods and materials of the property. Set up normal operation sequence in purchasing of goods and materials. Receiving, selling and sample management, control over property and record must be separated, in order to form st
66、rong inside lag. We should check and make an inv</p><p> 3.6 Improve the external development environment condition of small and medium enterprises</p><p> Improve the capital market, expand
67、the direct financing channels, and further improve financing assurance system of small and medium enterprises. As for the each department acting on its own policy and the realistic problem of doing things in his own way,
68、 the government should strengthen the construction of relevant laws and regulations, make or improve the preferential policy which is favorable to financing of small and medium enterprises as soon as possible. From requi
69、ring the country for appr</p><p> of small and medium enterprises, serve financing rationally for small and medium enterprises.</p><p> Conclusion</p><p> In a word, with the dev
70、elopment of market economy of China, the forming of the economic globalization, small and medium enterprises will face more severe challenges and meet more difficulties in the competition. They should seek survival and d
71、evelopment in the crack. It is far from enough to improve one's own quality by small and medium enterprises. Only though the omni-directional support policy and strengthening the financial administration, standardizi
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- 中小型企業(yè)財務管理中存在的問題及對策
- 中小型企業(yè)財務管理存在的問題與對策
- 中小型企業(yè)財務管理存在的問題及對策
- 中小型企業(yè)財務管理中存在的問題及解決對策
- 中小型企業(yè)財務管理問題
- 我國中小型企業(yè)財務管理中存在的問題及對策
- 我國中小型企業(yè)財務管理存在的問題及對策
- 中小型企業(yè)財務管理模式的探析外文獻翻譯
- 中小型企業(yè)財務管理問題與對策探究
- 中小型企業(yè)財務管理問題探討
- 淺析中小型企業(yè)財務管理的問題和對策
- 淺議中小型企業(yè)財務管理存在的主要問題和對策
- 中小型企業(yè)財務管理存在的問題和解決措施
- 淺談中小型企業(yè)財務管理存在的問題與決策
- 國有中小型企業(yè)財務管理問題研究
- 國有中小型企業(yè)財務管理問題研究
- 外文翻譯---中小型企業(yè)財務管理模式的探析
- 外文翻譯---戰(zhàn)略財務管理的中小型企業(yè)
- 淺談中小型企業(yè)財務管理困境和對策
- 淺談中小型企業(yè)財務管理困境和對策