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1、Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJournal of Retailing and Consumer Servicesjournal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jretconserConsumer experiences, attitude and behavioral intention toward online food delivery (

2、OFD) servicesVincent Cheow Sern Yeo, See-Kwong Goh, Sajad Rezaei?Taylor's Business School, Taylor's University, Lakeside Campus, No. 1, Jalan Taylor's, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, MalaysiaA R T I C L E I N F

3、 OKeywords:Convenience motivationPost-usage usefulnessHedonic motivationPrice saving orientationTime saving orientationPrior online purchase experienceBehavioral intention towards online fooddelivery (OFD) servicesA B S

4、T R A C TPrior research has mostly examined consumer attitudes toward online services/retailing in general and a fewresearchers have addressed consumer experiences with online food delivery (OFD) services. The purpose of

5、 thisstudy is to examine the structural relationship between convenience motivation, post-usage usefulness, hedonicmotivation, price saving orientation, time saving orientation, prior online purchase experience, consumer

6、attitude and behavioral intention towards OFD services. The study proposes an integrative theoretical researchmodel based on the Contingency Framework and Extended Model of IT Continuance. 224 valid questionnaireswere co

7、llected to empirically test the research model using the partial least square (PLS) path modelingapproach. The results imply that the proposed hypotheses were supported, except for the relationship betweenprior online pu

8、rchase experience and post-usage usefulness. Practical implications and limitations arediscussed.1. IntroductionE-commerce has surpassed its traditional definition (Jones, 2013).Consumers prefer E-commerce platforms as a

9、 shopping mediumbecause they can shop at the comfort of their own homes and at theleisure of their own time (Jiang et al., 2013; Rezaei et al., 2016c). Theexplosive growth of the Internet has influenced online retailing

10、and E-commerce development in general (Bressolles et al., 2014; Burt andSparks, 2003; Faqih and Jaradat, 2015; Nilashi et al., 2015; Towersand Xu, 2016). Development of online retailing means a virtuallyunlimited choice

11、of products and services such that the consumerbenefits from product customization, real time interactive communica-tion and fast delivery. The food industry is a saturated market, though,retailers have begun providing a

12、dditional online services to remaincompetitive. However, prior research has mostly examined consumerattitudes toward online services/retailing in general and a fewresearchers have addressed consumer experiences with onli

13、ne fooddelivery (OFD) services.According to Spykerman (2013), Malaysia has an Internet penetra-tion rate of 67%. Although the number of users is lower than China, thepercentage is higher, which shows that Malaysians in g

14、eneral are moreassertive in e-commerce. In China alone, there are over 420 millionInternet users, of which 87.88 million users are online shoppers(CNNIC, 2010). According to Euromonitor (2015), the 100% homedelivery mark

15、et in Malaysia has a value of RM253 million in 2014, andis expected to continue growth at 11% per annum. This is especiallyevident in the fast food segment that provides delivery to homes. Oneof the major players, Kentuc

16、ky Fried Chicken (KFC) started deliveryservices in Malaysia in 2012 to further enhance their service quality.However, smaller food retailers are also strident to provide thesedelivery services with the help of food deliv

17、ery intermediaries. As foronline food ordering, Kimes (2011) found that 44% of adults in the UShave ordered food online and 23% of large food chains provide deliveryservices. There are two types of retailers that provide

18、 food deliveryservices. The first are retailers themselves. This category is largelycomprised of fast food chains such as Pizza Hut, McDonalds, Domino'sPizza, Kentucky Fried Chicken and so on. The second category isc

19、omprised of multiple restaurant intermediaries that provide deliveryservices for a large range of restaurants. Examples include Food Panda,Room Service, GrubHub, Eat24hours.com, Just-eat.com, Delivery.comand more.Reasons

20、 motivating consumers to buy from an online medium areimportant for food retailers. In terms of technology adoption, therehave been numerous studies that have found a positive relationshipbetween attitude and behavioral

21、intention (Chang et al., 2012; Inghamet al., 2015; Wagner et al., 2016). Consumers prefer to use onlineservices because convenience, usage usefulness and other motives(Kimes, 2011; Littler and Melanthiou, 2006; Saarij

22、28;rvi et al., 2014)or prior online experiences (Rezaei et al., 2016d). Food is in thecategory of low involvement products, thus, consumers tend not tohttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2016.12.013Received 4 July 201

23、6; Received in revised form 15 December 2016; Accepted 21 December 2016? Corresponding author.E-mail addresses: cheowsern@hotmail.com (V.C.S. Yeo), SeeKwong.Goh@taylors.edu.my (S.-K. Goh), mmg.sajad@gmail.com, Sajad.Reza

24、ei@taylors.edu.my (S. Rezaei).Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 35 (2017) 150–162Available online 29 December 20160969-6989/ © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.MARKrecognition to post purchase behavio

25、r, which includes consumption ofthe product or service (Mort and Rose, 2004). This experiential view ofhedonism takes a broad approach to the buying and consumptionprocesses (Rezaei and Ghodsi, 2014). It also takes into

26、accountcognitive-rational and problem solving information processing. Onemajor motivation for shopping and consumption comes from emo-tional arousal, which is derived from hedonism (Escobar-Rodríguezand Carvajal-Tru

27、jillo, 2013; Miranda, 2009). Recent research(Bilgihan, 2016) found that hedonism is significant to e-commerce interms of brand equity, flow and trust that leads to e-loyalty by creatingpositive online customer experience

28、s. With similar positive results,Wagner et al. (2016) empirically demonstrated that hedonism is veryimportant for Internet-enabled television shopping, especially becauseit happens in the household context with a relaxed

29、 attitude, relatingenjoyment with shopping intentions.In terms of the hedonic website visit, the motivations of a user tovisit a website is mainly affected by the enjoyment of the process. Thisis confirmed by the actual

30、state when compared with the desired stateand preferred state. If the actual state is able to meet the expectationsof the desired and or preferred state, then the user is enjoying using thewebsite (Alavi et al., 2016; Ts

31、ang and Tse, 2005). Most researchfocuses on the hedonic side of leisure services such as shopping andsports. Some would like to focus on the hedonic side of tangibleproduct consumption, such as compact discs, champagne a

32、nd wine(Neeley et al., 2010). Furthermore, Childers et al. (2002) empiricallyrevealed in his research that enjoyment has a direct affect towardsattitude. Therefore, based on the arguments above, it is believed that auser

33、 feels hedonic motivation when attitudes towards OFD services areable to meet his or her expectation. Therefore, the following hypothesesare proposed.H1. There is a positive relationship between hedonic motivation andcon

34、venience motivation.H2. There is a positive relationship between hedonic motivation andpost-usage usefulness.2.2. Prior online purchase experienceOnline purchases can be defined as the intention of individual topurchase

35、products online (Chen et al., 2010). The online purchase is aprocess that involves an exchange of time, effort and money throughthe online medium (Wu, 2013). As such, online purchases are stillconsidered more risky than

36、offline purchases because of certainmissing elements such as actual interaction with the product(Laroche et al., 2005; Thamizhvanan and Xavier, 2013). Users whohave an online experience will experience reduced uncertaint

37、y, leadingto higher intention to purchase a product or service online.Furthermore, online shoppers who have shopped online before aremore willing to do so again because of the confidence that has beenbuilt. Expectations

38、from past satisfactory online purchases will alsolead to repurchase intentions (Shim et al., 2001).A person's online experience includes his involvement, cognitiveprocess, flow and schema (Huang, 2012). According to

39、Li et al. (2002),a consumer may learn by experience through the interactions with theonline environment. There are two types of online purchase experi-ences. The first is direct product experience, in which the user hasd

40、irectly interacted with the product itself. Second is the indirect onlineexperience, meaning that the user has only interacted with theadvertisements of the product Keng et al. (2011). Post-adoption occurswhen a user exp

41、eriences direct interaction with the product while apre-purchase adoption occurs when a user has mediated interactionswith the products through advertisements (Karahanna et al., 1999).The online buying experience can als

42、o lead to loyalty to online stores,especially if they are satisfied by the assortment composition present inthe online stores (Melis et al., 2015). Research by Kwek et al. (2010)also revealed that prior experience helps

43、to improve customer purchaseintention regardless of high or low avoidance uncertainty. Mostimportantly, past purchase experience reduces anxiety about theambiguity of websites, making interaction with the websites more s

44、olid(Shim et al., 2001; Weisberg et al., 2011).Furthermore, a person's past online purchase experiences will alsodetermine his future expectation of the effort that is required toconduct online shopping. The perceive

45、d ease of use captures expecta-tions towards the expectation (Gentry and Calantone, 2002), thus,establishing the relationship between online purchase experiences withconvenience motivations (Alavi et al., 2016; Valaei et

46、 al., 2016). Whencustomers have the relevant online purchase experience, they tend tofind it easier to use and revisit. Thus, repurchase intentions will behigher. Experience in online usage will significantly improve a p

47、erson'sconvenience motivation. Upon collection of experience, lesser effortwill be needed to operate the technology and thus be perceived aseasier to use. Therefore, it is shown that prior online purchaseexperience h

48、as a direct relationship with convenience motivations,and convenience motivations have a direct relationship with attitude.Thus, the following hypotheses have been suggested.H3. There is a positive relationship between p

49、rior online purchaseexperience and convenience motivation.H4. There is a positive relationship between prior online purchaseexperience and post-usage usefulness.2.3. Time saving orientationIn today's fast paced life,

50、 many cannot afford to have the hassle ofgoing out for food, or waiting in a restaurant for food to be served tothem (Euromonitor, 2015). Thus, they make the food come to theminstead. It is about using the least amount o

51、f time to get a task done,thus it becomes a factor of time saving for them. In the USA, one out ofevery two and a half meals is consumed away from home (Kara et al.,1997). Even in recessionary times, sales of fast food f

52、ranchisescontinue to grow. In the United Kingdom, the take-away and deliverysegment has experienced a booming growth since the 1980s. The take-away and delivery market is highly fragmented and has a large varietyof choic

53、es and food types (Alreck and Settle, 2002; Ball, 1999). OFDservices also seem to be favorable to customers because of its speed,ease and precision of orders (Verma et al. (2009). A majority of thesefood deliveries are c

54、atered for the household sector, which means it isdelivered to homes, at about 70% of orders. This percentage indicatesthat the target market for food deliveries is focusing more on house-holds.According to Gentry and Ca

55、lantone (2002), perceived usefulnesscaptures the buyer's perception that a certain technology will helpimprove shopping productivity. The time that online shopping save is autility that customers gain. A customer see

56、s online shopping as usefulbecause it is able to save time, reduce efforts, and offer expanded storehours and efficient checkouts (Chiu et al., 2014). It has also been foundthat higher income consumers value time due to

57、opportunity costs.That said, people who are income rich but time poor find onlineshopping attractive because it helps them save time (Punj, 2012). Inaddition, Eriksson and Nilsson (2007) proposed that the time savingdime

58、nsion is a strong influence on post-usage usefulness due to theconvenience that consumers gain from using online banking andpayment systems. Based on the review of literatures, as time savingorientation has a direct effe

59、ct on post-usage usefulness and post-usageusefulness on attitude, it is anticipated that time saving orientation hasan indirect effect on attitude via post-usage usefulness.Likewise, the ease of technology use is how eas

60、y is the process ofusing a new media when shopping on the web. The easier it is to use,the more time it can save. Perceptions that a system is easy to use willmake the process of shopping, the ease of use more appealing

61、(Chiuet al., 2014). A review of 45 articles relating to the adoption of onlineshopping has revealed that time saving functions and consumer's timeV.C.S. Yeo et al. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 35 (2017)


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