1、<p> 附錄 2 英文翻譯</p><p> 談談選礦廠給排水設(shè)計中幾個問題</p><p> 摘要:選礦廠一般為濕式作業(yè),以水為介質(zhì)分離礦石和尾礦,水的消耗量很大,大約每噸入選原礦的耗水指標達5~15 m3,因此,給排水系統(tǒng)的設(shè)計對于選礦廠的建設(shè)至關(guān)重要,它不但直接影響選別效果和經(jīng)濟效益,也與環(huán)保密切相關(guān)?,F(xiàn)結(jié)合本人在選礦廠設(shè)計過程中的一些經(jīng)驗與體會談談選礦廠給排水設(shè)
2、計中幾個共同關(guān)心的問題</p><p> 關(guān)鍵詞:選礦廠 水量平衡 生產(chǎn)廢水 污泥處理 高位水池 循環(huán)水泵站</p><p><b> 1 關(guān)于水量平衡</b></p><p> 隨著資源的開發(fā)和工業(yè)的發(fā)展, 環(huán)境保護問題日益嚴峻, 水資源的保護和控制更成為世界性的突出問題, 我國的環(huán)境保護法和水污染防治法, 對水資源的
3、保護和水污染的控制提出了更加嚴格的要求?!段鬯C合排放標準》(GB8978-96)中規(guī)定:選礦廠水的循環(huán)率≥90% , 排放水的懸浮物含量:一級標準≤70 m g/L,二級標準≤300mg/L , 且將對污水排放量及污染物總量進行限制。因而, 對選礦廠的給排水設(shè)計和管理提出了更高的要求。為此, 在擬定給排水系統(tǒng)和水量平衡時,就應以充分利用循環(huán)水(回水)和減少排放為主導思想。</p><p> 在選礦廠采取廠內(nèi)濃
4、縮的小循環(huán)方式用于選別作業(yè), 一般都可以滿足水的循環(huán)率和污水排放水質(zhì)要求; 在廠地較充足的選礦廠可以采取廠外設(shè)尾礦庫的大循環(huán)方式,亦能取得合格回水, 也可以實現(xiàn)較高的水循環(huán)率和污水合格排放的目標?,F(xiàn)在,我們在大部分選礦廠采取前者。有些廠礦尾礦水澄清性能很差, 采取添加適當助凝劑促使其澄清, 也能滿足回水和排放要求。目前, 國內(nèi)相當數(shù)量管理良好的選礦廠已達到上述要求, 大多數(shù)選礦廠也具備了完善的條件。本人認為采用小循環(huán)時,在雨水較充裕的地
5、區(qū),如能把雨水收集起來用于補充循環(huán)水不足并替代生產(chǎn)新水;采用大循環(huán)時當尾礦庫澄清條件良好且有地面徑流補給時, 利用回水補充循環(huán)水不足并替代生產(chǎn)新水,可以減少新水的補給,甚至可以實現(xiàn)生產(chǎn)新水的零補給,當管理進一步完善時, 也可以實現(xiàn)生產(chǎn)廢水的零排放。</p><p> 目前,我們設(shè)計的選礦廠生產(chǎn)水量平衡一般可確保較高循環(huán)水率和最低的排污量。</p><p> 但是在具體實施過程并非都盡人
6、意, 存在著一些實際困難, 也產(chǎn)生一些問題。</p><p> 選礦工藝為確保選別指標或擔心堵塞設(shè)備給水口, 有時要求在選別作業(yè)尤其是精選段采用新水, 從而使水量平衡的編制產(chǎn)生困難, 循環(huán)水不能充分利用,新水消耗量增加, 水循環(huán)率無法達到指標,溢流水大量排放。實際上, 這種問題是可以采取措施排除的。</p><p> 選礦廠循環(huán)水由于存在著溢流排放的可能,故循環(huán)水懸浮物的控制不僅要滿足
7、選別作業(yè)使用標準,還要從環(huán)保角度考慮以排放水體的標準進行控制。如以300 m g/L為處理標準,水中懸浮物的數(shù)量級為萬分之三,而選別指標品位的精度為百分之幾或千分之幾,加之殘留于精礦中的循環(huán)水是極少的, 故循環(huán)水懸浮物對選別指標產(chǎn)生的影響可以忽略。有資料記載:采用懸浮物為2000 m g/L的循環(huán)水進行生產(chǎn)性試驗考核, 選別指標與使用新水無明顯改變,足見影響甚微。但是,水中的大顆粒懸浮物和漂浮物應當清除,以避免對弱磁選機的多孔卸料給水管
8、和強磁機的篩板造成堵塞。故當采用無過濾處理的生產(chǎn)新水和循環(huán)水作為給水水源時,應當在給水主管上增設(shè)過濾器以清除大粒徑物質(zhì)。</p><p> 在選礦廠的實際生產(chǎn)中常常會出現(xiàn)設(shè)備實際給、排水量與設(shè)計的相差甚遠;主要原因在于編制選別礦漿流程和水量平衡的過程時,未仔細考查選別設(shè)備的實際受水能力和排水能力,或者是操作上的失誤,使水量平衡不能按預定指標實現(xiàn),尤其在試生產(chǎn)階段容易發(fā)生此類問題。在實際生產(chǎn)中, 可能會出現(xiàn)選別設(shè)
10、生產(chǎn)操作時,應按預定的作業(yè)濃度調(diào)節(jié)給水閥門。給排水設(shè)計時在設(shè)備給水管上增設(shè)流量計,以監(jiān)控給水量,可以收到較好的效果。</p><p> 2 選礦廠生產(chǎn)廢水的處理</p><p> 選礦廠生產(chǎn)廢水水質(zhì)以挾帶懸浮物或部分藥劑為主要特征,其中懸浮物主要為礦粉和脈石廢渣等無機固體物,采取重力分離處理方法一般可以滿足回用和排放要求, 故在一般選礦廠多利用尾礦濃縮池處理廢水, 既解決了尾礦濃縮和節(jié)
11、能輸送的目的, 又解決了廢水(含尾礦水)的回收利用的需要, 普遍選用普通濃縮池, 實踐證明這是合理可行的。對于某些選礦廠尾礦水澄清性能很差,還需要采用高效濃縮機、加藥濃縮或送尾礦庫澄清方法處理,必須慎重決策。本人認為采取加藥處理尾礦和廢水決非良策,因為選礦廠的尾礦和廢水混合液的濃度相對較高,且波動較大,固相物的表比面積大,藥劑消耗量大且不易掌握隨機變化的用藥量,過多或過少的藥劑對懸浮物的凝聚和絮凝都不利;還需增設(shè)藥劑制備、投加和混合反應
12、設(shè)施,人力物力消耗增加, 運行成本和基建投資均大幅提高;故條件允許時,不如擴大濃縮池澄清面積采取自然澄清濃縮為宜。當用地無法解決或顆粒集合沉降速度過慢,低于0. 2~ 0. 3 m/h 時,才適宜考慮加藥澄清或放棄濃縮處理方案。</p><p> 當然,選礦生產(chǎn)廢水的具體處理方案,應經(jīng)試驗獲取可靠資料,通過技術(shù)經(jīng)濟比較確定。</p><p> 采用尾礦濃縮池處理尾礦和生產(chǎn)廢水的做法雖已
13、沿用了多年,以前廢水的收集一般限于選礦主廠房和脫水庫,隨著水的循環(huán)率和廢水排放要求的提高,本人認為可將各車間的除塵廢水、沖洗廢水以及廠區(qū)溢流廢水收集一并納入尾礦濃縮池中處理回用;并將設(shè)備冷卻的較干凈回水收集后送入循環(huán)水池加以復用。</p><p><b> 3 污泥處理</b></p><p> 濃縮池處理尾礦時所產(chǎn)生的污泥,一般是含有大量水分的粒狀或絮狀物質(zhì)的
14、疏松結(jié)構(gòu),體積較大,因此在污泥處理時主要是要降低其含水率。</p><p> 目前,我們設(shè)計污泥處理的方法,一般有自然干化,機械脫水等方法。</p><p> 利用自然干化場使污泥自然干化是污泥脫水中最經(jīng)濟的方法,他是用于氣候比較干燥,占地不緊張,以及環(huán)境條件允許的地區(qū)。</p><p> 機械脫水與自然干化相比較,其特點是脫水效果好,效率高,不受氣候影響,占
15、地面積?。贿m合目前選礦一般廠占地比較緊張,環(huán)境要求高的使用條件,被廣泛采用。</p><p> 常用的脫水機械有真空過濾脫水機、離心脫水機、帶式壓濾機和板筐式壓濾機。這些機械脫水設(shè)備各有其不同的適用條件,選擇時應根據(jù)處理規(guī)模、運行費用、運行經(jīng)驗、污泥出路等方面的實際情況經(jīng)比較后選擇確定。</p><p> 尾礦污泥經(jīng)機械脫水后形成的泥餅的處理是選礦廠生產(chǎn)廢水處理的繼續(xù)。常見一些選礦廠泥
16、餅出來后不加處理,堆積如山,經(jīng)曬干后,一有大風吹來,沙塵飛舞,環(huán)境極差。其實尾礦泥餅可用來制磚,做建筑材料的摻合料,做井下充填料得膠結(jié)材料等。只是目前實際利用的效果不是很好,所以泥餅的利用可以作為一個課題做一些深入的研究。</p><p> 4 高位水池(箱、塔)的設(shè)置</p><p> 循環(huán)水系統(tǒng)是否要設(shè)高位水池(或水塔),應當通過對循環(huán)水系統(tǒng)用水戶情況及循環(huán)水加壓設(shè)施配置情況
18、高位水池有利于節(jié)省電耗,但高位水池容積宜小不宜大。在某些選礦廠,選別作業(yè)中某些設(shè)備對水壓水量要求比較嚴格,設(shè)立專用高位水池穩(wěn)壓也是必要的;例如我們通常在設(shè)屋頂水箱為水力分機提供穩(wěn)壓水;設(shè)水塔為受阻沉降機提供穩(wěn)壓水。此外,某些廠礦循環(huán)水系統(tǒng)擔負沖洗水任務,設(shè)高位水池存一次沖洗水量也是一種選擇,不過更合理的方式是在循環(huán)水泵房設(shè)置專用沖洗加壓泵,沖洗用水存于循環(huán)水池而不是高位水池中。</p><p> 5 改善循
19、環(huán)水泵站工況的建議</p><p> 5.1 安裝調(diào)速裝置</p><p> 循環(huán)水系統(tǒng)擔負著選礦廠主要設(shè)備用水的供給,輸送水流量較大,電耗較高,如何減少循環(huán)水系統(tǒng)不必消耗的電力,是應引以重視的一個問題。特別當選別系列較多,而循環(huán)水泵工作臺數(shù)較少時,一但系列變化循環(huán)水泵往往不是在高效率區(qū)間工作。為此,建議循環(huán)水泵配置調(diào)速裝置,根據(jù)生產(chǎn)系列的變化,調(diào)節(jié)環(huán)水泵的轉(zhuǎn)速,使送出流量滿足循環(huán)水
20、量要求,并使水泵在高效區(qū)間工作,盡量避免采取調(diào)節(jié)閘閥消耗能量,同時不致因選別系列的變化,而引起工作系列水量水壓的波動。調(diào)速設(shè)備可采用變頻調(diào)速、液力偶合器調(diào)速和可控硅串級調(diào)速等,調(diào)速控制可依循環(huán)水泵壓出管上的流量計讀數(shù)為控制參數(shù)。應盡可能設(shè)計成在正常運行時,不論安裝了幾臺循環(huán)水工作泵,只需其中一臺泵調(diào)速運行,以節(jié)省調(diào)速設(shè)施投資。</p><p> 5.2 循環(huán)水池的設(shè)計</p><p>
21、 選礦廠循環(huán)水池的容積如何確定,有關(guān)規(guī)范和手冊均未做出明確規(guī)定和給出計算方法。如參照一般給排水泵站吸水井確定的方法,其有效容積僅為最大一臺水泵5 m in 流量,則吸水池容積往往偏小,在投產(chǎn)時或停泵再啟動后出現(xiàn)循環(huán)水池抽空斷水情況,依靠新水來補水遠不能滿足要求,從而使生產(chǎn)運行無法維持。選礦廠循環(huán)水系統(tǒng)的特點是流量大,流程遠,在一般無高位貯水池時,系統(tǒng)調(diào)節(jié)能力全依賴于循環(huán)水池。本人認為,正確的確定吸水池容積,應掌握循環(huán)水加壓進入選別作業(yè)再
23、確定,實際使用效果不錯。此外,考慮到環(huán)水挾帶少量懸浮物的特征,循環(huán)水池應定期清理,為了使清理期循環(huán)水系統(tǒng)正常供水,建議循環(huán)</p><p><b> 結(jié)束語</b></p><p> 給排水設(shè)施設(shè)計的合理性、操作性、適應性和可靠性是選礦廠維持正常和高效生產(chǎn)的重要前提,也是環(huán)境保護和水污染防治的基本要求;所以,設(shè)計人員在設(shè)計時應綜合考慮技術(shù)、工程投資等各方面的因素,
24、通過經(jīng)濟技術(shù)比較,確定安全可靠的方案,選用質(zhì)優(yōu)、價廉的給排水設(shè)備,為廠方提優(yōu)質(zhì)的設(shè)計。當然,給排水系統(tǒng)的科學管理和嚴密監(jiān)控是實施上述要求的根本保證。設(shè)計和生產(chǎn)管理的協(xié)調(diào)配合才是促進生產(chǎn)技術(shù)不斷完善、不斷發(fā)展的有力保證。</p><p><b> 參考文獻:</b></p><p> 1.《選礦設(shè)計手冊》冶金工業(yè)出版社</p><p> 2
25、.《尾礦設(shè)施設(shè)計》冶金工業(yè)出版社</p><p> 3.《給水排水設(shè)計手冊》第5冊 中國建筑工業(yè)出版社</p><p> 4.《給水排水設(shè)計手冊》第9冊 中國建筑工業(yè)出版社</p><p><b> 譯文:</b></p><p> Concentrator to talk about the design of
26、 the drainage problems</p><p> Abstract: Wet Concentrator for general operations, water as tailings and ore separation medium, large consumption of water, about the water consumption per tone of ore selecte
27、d targets of 5 ~ 15 m3, therefore, to the drainage system for the design of the building Concentrator Is essential, not only directly affect the election results and other economic benefits, and environmental protection
28、are closely related. I now combine in the process of designing Concentrator some experience of the concen</p><p> Key words: Concentrator water balance wastewater sludge treatment cycle of high water pumpin
29、g stations</p><p> 1 on the water balance With resources development and industrial development, environmental protection increasingly serious problem of water resources protection and control of the worl
30、d become more prominent issues, China's Environmental Protection Act and the Water Pollution Control Act, the protection of water resources and water pollution Control to a more stringent requirements. "Wastewat
31、er discharge standards" (GB8978-96) provides that: Concentrator water recycling rate of ≥ 90%, emissio</p><p> Concentrator plant taken in concentrated form for Xiao Xunhuan sorting operations are gene
32、rally able to meet the recycling rate of water and sewage water quality requirements in the plant than adequate concentrator plant can be taken outside the tailings of a cycle , Can pass backwater, can also achieve a hig
33、her rate of the water cycle and qualified sewage discharge targets. Now, we take the former in most Concentrator. Some factories and mines tailings water to clarify the poor performance and </p><p> Current
34、ly, we design the concentrator production water balance in general to ensure a higher rate of circulating water and the lowest volume of sewage</p><p> However, the specific implementation of the Italian pe
35、ople do not have, there are some practical difficulties, has also had some problems. Dressing to ensure that the election process or that of other indicators to plug the equipment outlet, and sometimes require sorting o
36、perations in particular, a new selection of the water, so that the water balance of difficulties, recycled water can not take full advantage of the new increase in water consumption, water cycle Unable to reach the targe
37、t rate</p><p> Concentrator recycled water because there is a possibility of overflow discharge, the water cycle control not only the suspension of sorting operations to meet the standard, but also from the
38、 environmental point of view to the water discharge standards to control. If the 300 mg / L to deal with the standards, the water suspension of the order of magnitude for 3/10000 and sorting quality indicators for the ac
39、curacy of a few per cent per thousand or a few, plus the residual concentrate on the recy</p><p> Concentrator in the actual production of the actual equipment often appear to, displacement and design of ve
40、ry different, mainly due to the establishment of electoral processes and other pulp water balance of the process, not sorting equipment carefully examine the actual capacity of the water and drainage Capacity, or operati
41、onal errors so that the water balance can not be realized as scheduled indicators, particularly in trial production phase prone to such problems. In actual production, may </p><p> 2 Concentrator wastewate
42、r treatment </p><p> Concentrator wastewater quality to Xiedai suspension or part of the main features of Pharmacy, which suspended for the main gangue slag and sludge, and other inorganic solids, gravity s
43、eparation approach to general use and emissions to meet the requirements, so in general Concentrator more use of the tailings pond concentrated wastewater treatment, not only resolved the tailings enrichment and transmis
44、sion of energy-saving purpose, to solve the waste water (including the tailings water) recyclin</p><p> Of course, the specific processing wastewater treatment, access to reliable information on the pilot,
45、identified by technical and economic comparison. Treatment options.</p><p> Use of the tailings pond concentrated wastewater treatment tailings and the practice had been in use for many years, before the co
46、llection of waste water processing generally limited to the main plant and dehydration, with the recycling rate of water and waste water discharge requirements of the increase, I think that could be the Workshop dust was
47、te water, waste water and washing plant overflow wastewater collection together condensed into the tailings pond to deal with; cooling equipment and t</p><p> 3 sludge treatment </p><p> Enri
48、chment processing tailings pond by the sludge, is generally contains a lot of water and the granular material or floc loose structure, and larger, mainly in the sludge treatment is to reduce its moisture content.</p&g
49、t;<p> Currently, we design the sludge treatment methods are generally dry natural, mechanical methods such as dehydration. The use of natural dry field to dry sludge and sludge dewatering is the most economic w
50、ay, he is used to relatively dry climate, not an area of tension, as well as environmental conditions permit areas. Machinery dehydration and nature of the stem, compared to its characteristics of dehydration is eff
51、ective and efficient, free from climate impact, small footprint; general fo</p><p> Dehydration is common mechanical filter vacuum dehydration machine, dehydration centrifuge machines, belt filter press and
52、 plate-filter basket. These mechanical equipment dehydration have their different conditions of application, the choice should be dealt with in accordance with the scale and operating costs, operational experience, a way
53、 out sludge and other aspects of the actual situation of choice determined by the comparison.</p><p> Tailings mechanical sludge dehydration after the formation of mud cake is the treatment of the wastewate
54、r treatment Concentrator production to continue. Concentrator some common mud cake out after not addressed, mountains, dried, with a strong wind blowing, the sand fly, very poor environment. In fact, the tailings dump ca
55、ke can be used to brick, construction materials to the admixture, to do underground filling material in the cement materials. At present the only practical effect is not very g</p><p> 4 high water (me, an
56、d Tajikistan) settings </p><p> Water circulation system should be established whether the high water (or water tower), it should be circulating water through the water system operators and pressurized wate
57、r recycling facilities targeting specific analysis of the situation, can there be a correct decision. Recycled water supply system for sorting objects general operating purposes, to the water relatively stable, safe and
58、reliable power supply when the concentrator, the circulating pump Pallets series consistent with the proce</p><p> 5 The circulating water pump station to improve the status of the recommendations 5.1
59、 installed speed control device Water circulation system responsible for major equipment Concentrator water supply, transport larger water flow, high power consumption, to reduce the consumption of recycled water sys
60、tem does not need the electricity, of which is an important issue. Special election campaign not more, and the circulating pump Pallets less, but a series of changes in circulating pump is </p><p> 5.2 The
61、design cycle pool </p><p> Concentrator cycle of the water volume how to determine the norms and manuals were not made clear provisions and are calculated. If the general reference to the drainage water pum
62、ping station Well established methodology, its volume is only the most effective one pump 5 m in traffic, often too small volume of water absorption, in operation at the pump to start or stop after the cycle of pond wate
63、r in time And rely on the new water replenishment far can not meet the requirements, so that producti</p><p> 6 Conclusion </p><p> To the design of drainage facilities is reasonable, workab
64、le, adaptability and reliability of the concentrator to maintain a normal and an important prerequisite for efficient production, environmental protection and to prevent water pollution is also the basic requirements, so
65、 designers should be considered in the design of technology , And other investment projects of various factors, through economic and technical comparison, determine safety and reliability of the programme, the choice of
66、hi</p><p> References:</p><p> 1. "Dressing Design Manual" Metallurgical Industry Press 2. "Tailings facility design" Metallurgical Industry Press 3. "Water Supply a
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