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1、Pattern Recognition & artificial IntelligenceLecture 5: 聚類算法(一),主要內容,聚類的定義聚類算法分類典型聚類算法講解,,聚類的定義,聚類的定義,典型的非監(jiān)督式機器學習數(shù)據(jù)類別不被事先標識通過學習模型推斷出數(shù)據(jù)的一些內在結構,進而進行聚類。,,聚類算法分類,聚類算法分類,劃分方法:首先得到初始的K個劃分的集合。如K-平均、K-中心點、CLARANS以及對它


3、如COBWEB、CLASSIT,GCM, AutoClass, SOM?;诮稻S的方法:如Spectral clustering,Ncut等,聚類算法分類,劃分聚類法 – K-means,,k-means算法,亦稱k-均值或k-平均,是一種基于質心的啟發(fā)式聚類算法?;舅枷耄和ㄟ^迭代把數(shù)據(jù)集劃分為不同的類別(或稱簇),使得評價聚類性能的準則函數(shù)達到最優(yōu),使得每個聚類類內緊湊,類間獨立。對于連續(xù)型屬性具有較好的聚類效果,不適合處理離

4、散型屬性。,劃分聚類法 – K-means,算法概述,平方誤差和準則函數(shù) 即SSE(sum of the squared error) SSE是數(shù)據(jù)庫中所有對象的平方誤差總和,其中 為數(shù)據(jù)對象; 為簇 的平均值。 這個準則函數(shù)使得生成的簇盡可能的緊湊和獨立。,劃分聚類法 – K-means,準則函數(shù),劃分聚類法 – K-means,算法流程,

5、迭代計算中心點,收斂!,選擇初始中心點,劃分聚類法 – K-means,Simple Example,,劃分聚類法 – K-means,算法實現(xiàn)的具體流程,影響聚類效果!,一般采用歐氏距離、曼哈頓距離或者名考斯距離的一種,作為樣本間的相似性度量,劃分聚類法 – K-means,算法特點:影響主要因素,劃分聚類法– K-means,不足:k-means算法只有在簇的平均值被定義的情況下才能使用。k-means算法的不足之處在于它要

6、多次掃描數(shù)據(jù)庫。k-means算法只能找出球形的類,而不能發(fā)現(xiàn)任意形狀的類。初始質心的選擇對聚類結果有較大的影響。k-means算法對于噪聲和孤立點數(shù)據(jù)是敏感的,少量的該類數(shù)據(jù)能夠對平均值產生極大的影響。,問題描述: 如圖所示,一只遙望大海的小狗。此圖為100×100像素的JPG圖片,每個像素可以表示為三維向量(分別對應紅綠藍三基色)。 要求使用k-means算法,將圖片分割為合適的背景區(qū)

7、域(三個)和前景區(qū)域(小狗)。,劃分聚類法 – K-means,應用實例,Matlab程序實現(xiàn),function [M, j, e] = kmeans(X, K, Max_Its)[N,D]=size(X);I=randperm(N);M=X(I(1:K),:);Mo = M;for n=1:Max_Its for k=1:K Dist(:,k) = sum((X - repmat(M(k,

8、:),N,1)).^2,2)'; end [i, j]=min(Dist, [], 2); for k=1:K if size(find(j==k))>0 M(k, :) = mean(X(find(j==k), :)); end end,劃分聚類法 – K-means,Z = zeros(N,K);

9、 for m=1:N Z(m,j(m)) = 1; end e = sum(sum(Z.*Dist)./N); fprintf('%d Error = %f\n', n, e); Mo = M;end,Matlab程序實現(xiàn)(續(xù)),劃分聚類法 – K-means,close all;clear all; clc;C_Segments=5;

10、img_original = imread('dog.png');%讀入圖像figure,imshow(img_original),title('原始圖像'); %顯示原圖像[m,n,depth]=size(img_original ); % 獲取圖像的長寬% 將圖像進行RGB——3通道分解% 將RGB分量各轉為kmeans使用的數(shù)據(jù)格式n行,一樣本A = reshape(img_or

11、iginal(:, :, 1), m*n, 1); B = reshape(img_original(:, :, 2), m*n, 1);C = reshape(img_original(:, :, 3), m*n, 1);dat = [A B C]; % r g b分量組成樣本的特征,每個樣本有三個屬性值,共width*height個樣本cRGB = kmeans(double(dat), C_Segments, 20)

12、;rRGB = reshape(cRGB, m, n); % 反向轉化為圖片形式figure, imshow(label2rgb(rRGB),[]),title('分類結果'); % 顯示分割結果,劃分聚類法 – K-means,分割后的效果,應用實例,劃分聚類法 – K-means,,劃分聚類法 – K-means,應用實例,注:聚類中心個數(shù)為5,最大迭代次數(shù)為10。,思路將聚類問題中的類定義為模糊集

13、合,用模糊集的隸屬度函數(shù)定量描述樣本點與類之間的從屬關系,并通過尋找使目標函數(shù)最小化的隸屬度函數(shù),實現(xiàn)聚類。算法關鍵點隸屬度函數(shù)的數(shù)學定義模糊類中心的更新,劃分聚類法 – 模糊C均值聚類 fuzzy c-means,變量定義數(shù)據(jù)集X={x1, x2, … , xn}c個模糊類樣本xk對第i類的模糊隸屬度為uik,滿足條件隸屬度矩陣U={uik} 第i類的類中心為vi聚類中心矩陣為V={v1, v2, …, vc}建

14、立基于隸屬度矩陣U和聚類中心矩陣V的目標函數(shù)Jm(U,V),劃分聚類法 – 模糊C均值聚類 fuzzy c means,目標函數(shù)最小化求解,劃分聚類法 – 模糊C均值聚類 fuzzy c means,這里m>1,是隸屬度的加權指數(shù); 為第i個聚類中心與第k個數(shù)據(jù)樣本之間的歐幾里得距離;,限定條件:,最小化上述函數(shù)可以用拉格朗日乘子法求解,目標函數(shù)最小化求解對上式進行求導,使其達到最小的必要條件為:,劃分聚類法 –

15、模糊C均值聚類 fuzzy c means,公式(1),公式(2),模糊C均值聚類算法具體步驟,劃分聚類法 – 模糊C均值聚類 fuzzy c-means (FCM),確定聚類類別數(shù)目c、加權指標m,用0~1的隨機值初始化隸屬矩陣U(0) ,并滿足令迭代次數(shù)為b,b=0,1,2…bmax根據(jù)公式(2)計算各個類的中心Vi(b);根據(jù)公式(1)更新U(b)為U(b+1);比較U(b)和U(b+1)之間的差別,如果

16、 或者迭代達到最大次數(shù),則聚類結束;否則,置b=b+1并返回第3步。,,劃分聚類法 – 模糊C均值聚類 fuzzy c means,MATLAB中提供了FCM函數(shù):[center, U, obj_fcn] = fcm(data, cluster_n, options);% 輸入:% data ---- nxm矩陣,表示n個樣本,每個樣本具有m的維特征值% N_cluster

17、 ---- 標量,表示聚合中心數(shù)目,即類別數(shù)% options ---- 4x1矩陣,其中% options(1): 隸屬度矩陣U的指數(shù),>1 (缺省值: 2.0)% options(2): 最大迭代次數(shù) (缺省值: 100)% options(3): 隸屬度最小變化量,迭代終止條件 (缺省值: 1e-5

18、)% options(4): 每次迭代是否輸出信息標志 (缺省值: 1)% 輸出:% center ---- 聚類中心% U ---- 隸屬度矩陣% obj_fcn ---- 目標函數(shù)值,,劃分聚類法 – 模糊C均值聚類 fuzzy c means,應用實例,close all;clear all; clc;C_Segments=4;

19、img_original = imread('pepper.png');%讀入圖像figure,imshow(img_original),title('原始圖像'); %顯示原圖像[m,n,p]=size(img_original ); % 獲取圖像的長寬% 將圖像進行RGB——3通道分解% 將RGB分量各轉為kmeans使用的數(shù)據(jù)格式n行,一樣本A = reshape(img_orig

20、inal(:, :, 1), m*n, 1); B = reshape(img_original(:, :, 2), m*n, 1);C = reshape(img_original(:, :, 3), m*n, 1);dat = [A B C]; % r g b分量組成樣本的特征,每個樣本有三個屬性值,共width*height個樣本,,聚類法 – 模糊C均值聚類 fuzzy c means,應用實例,[center,U,

21、fct] = fcm (double(dat),C_Segments);[~, label] = max(U, [],1);figure; LAB = reshape(label,m,n);imshow(LAB,[])figure; map = [0 0 0; center(1,1)/255, center(1,2)/255,center(1,3)/255];imshow(LAB==1),colormap(map)fig

22、ure; map = [0 0 0; center(2,1)/255, center(2,2)/255,center(2,3)/255];imshow(LAB==2),colormap(map)figure; map = [0 0 0; center(3,1)/255, center(3,2)/255,center(3,3)/255];imshow(LAB==3),colormap(map)figure; map = [0

23、0 0; center(4,1)/255, center(4,2)/255,center(4,3)/255];imshow(LAB==4),colormap(map),,聚類法 – 模糊C均值聚類 fuzzy c means,應用實例,分割結果,,劃分聚類法 – K-medoids,k-中心點(k-Medoids): 不采用簇中對象的平均值作為參照點, 而是選用簇中位置最中心的對象, 即中心點(medoid)作為參照點.,,劃分聚

24、類法 – K-medoids,基本思想:找聚類中的代表對象(中心點)PAM (Partitioning Around Medoids)首先為每個簇隨意選擇一個代表對象, 剩余的對象根據(jù)其與代表對象的距離分配給最近的一個簇; 然后反復地用非代表對象來替代代表對象,以改進聚類的質量 PAM 對于較小的數(shù)據(jù)集非常有效, 但不能很好地擴展到大型數(shù)據(jù)集。,劃分聚類法 – K-medoids,為了判定一個非代表對象Orandom 是否是當

25、前一個代表對象Oj的好的替代, 對于每一個非代表對象p,考慮下面的四種情況: 第一種情況:p當前隸屬于代表對象 Oj. 如果Oj被Orandom所代替, 且p離Oi最近, i≠j, 那么p被重新分配給Oi 第二種情況:p當前隸屬于代表對象 Oj. 如果Oj 被Orandom代替, 且p離Orandom最近, 那么p被重新分配給Orandom,劃分聚類法 – K-medoids,第三種情況:p當前隸屬于Oi,i≠j。如果Oj被Oran

26、dom代替,而p仍然離Oi最近,那么對象的隸屬不發(fā)生變化 第四種情況:p當前隸屬于Oi,i≠j。如果Oj被Orandom代替,且p離Orandom最近,那么p被重新分配給Orandom,劃分聚類法 – K-medoids,算法: k-中心點(1) 隨機選擇k個對象作為初始的代表對象;(2) repeat(3) 指派每個剩余的對象給離它最近的代表對象所代表的簇;(4) 隨意地選擇一個非代表對象Orandom;(5)

27、 計算用Orandom代替Oj的總距離E, 如果E比取代前下降則則用Orandom替 換Oj,形成新的k個代表對象的集合,返回(4);(6) until 不發(fā)生變化(7) 如果所有非代表對象都無法取代已存在的簇中心,則結束替代過程,并輸出結果,劃分聚類法 – K-medoids,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

28、,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,,,,K=2,,Arbitrary choose k object as initial medoids,,,Assign each remaining object to nearest medoids,,Randomly select a nonmedoid object,Oramdom,,Compute total cost of swapping,Total Cost = 26,,

29、Swapping O and Oramdom If quality is improved.,Do loopUntil no change,劃分聚類法 – K-medoids,當存在噪音和孤立點時, PAM 比 k-平均方法更健壯. 這是因為中心點不象平均值那么容易被極端數(shù)據(jù)影響 PAM對于小數(shù)據(jù)集工作得很好, 但不能很好地用于大數(shù)據(jù)集 每次迭代O(k(n-k)2 )其中 n 是數(shù)據(jù)對象數(shù)目, k 是聚類數(shù),CLARA (

30、Clustering LARge Applications),Improvement over PAMFinds medoids in a sample from the dataset[Idea]: If the samples are sufficiently random, the medoids of the sample approximate the medoids of the dataset[Heuristics]

31、: 5 samples of size 40+2k gives satisfactory resultsWorks well for large datasets (n=1000, k=10),劃分聚類法 – K-medoids,CLARA (Clustering LARge Applications),劃分聚類法 – K-medoids,Draw multiple samples of the datasetSample shou

32、ld be able to represent the datasetApply PAM to each sampleReturn the best clustering,Set mincost to MAXIMUM;Repeat q times // draws q samplesCreate S by drawing s objects randomly from D;Generate the set of medoids

33、 M from S by applying the PAM algorithm;Compute cost(M,D)If cost(M,D)< mincost Mincost = cost(M, D); Bestset = M;End if;End repeat;Return Bestset;,Algorithms:,CLARA (Clustering LARge Applications),劃分聚類法 –

34、K-medoids,s: the size of the samplek: number of clustersn:number of objects,Complexity of each iteration is: O(ks2+k(n-k)),CLARA (Clustering LARge Applications),劃分聚類法 – K-medoids,PAM find the best K medoids from a give

35、n dataset;CLARA finds the best kMedoids from several selected samples.,Problems:The best k-medoids may not be selected during the sampling Process, in this case, CLARA will never find the best clusteringIf the samplin

36、g is biased, we can not have a good clustering.Trade off-of efficiency.,CLARANS (Clustering Large Applications based on Randomized Search),劃分聚類法 – K-medoids,It was proposed to improve the quality and scalability of CLAR

37、AIt combines sampling techniques with PAMIt does not confine itself to any sample at a given timeIt draws a sample with some randomness in each step of the search,CLARANS draws sample in solution space dynamicallyA s

38、olution is a set of k medoidsThe solutions space contains Cnk solutions in totalThe solution space can be represented by a graph where every node is a potential solution, i.e., a set of k medoids,CLARANS,劃分聚類法 – K-medo

39、ids,Every node is a potential solution (k-medoid)Every node is associated with a squared errorTwo nodes are adjacent if they differ by one medoidEvery node has k(n?k) adjacent nodes,,{O1,O2,…,Ok},,{Ok+1,O2,…,Ok},,{Ok+

40、n,O2,…,Ok},,,…,,n-k neighbors for one medoid,,k(n? k) neighbors for one node,…,,劃分聚類法 – K-medoids: CLARANS,Start with a randomly selected node, check at most m neighbors randomlyIf a better adjacent node is found, moves

41、 to node and continue; otherwise, current node is local optimum; re-starts with another randomly selected node to search for another local optimumWhen h local optimum have been found, returns best result as overall resu

42、lt,劃分聚類法 – K-medoids: CLARANS,<,,Compare no more than maxneighbor times,,Best Node,劃分聚類法 – K-medoids: CLARANS,Algorithms:,Set mincost to MAXIMUM; For i=1 to h do // find h local optimumRandomly select a node as the

43、 current node C in the graph;J = 1; // counter of neighborsRepeatRandomly select a neighbor N of C;If Cost(N,D) mUpdate mincost with Cost(C,D) if applicable End for;End ForReturn bestnode;,劃分聚類法 – K-medoids: CL

44、ARANS,Algorithms:,Notes:,Each vertex is a set of k-representative objects (means, modes, medoids)Each iteration produces a new set of k-representative objects with lower overall dissimilarityIterations correspond to a

45、hill descent process in a landscape (graph) of vertices,劃分聚類法 – K-medoids: CLARANS,Advantages:CLARANS is more effective than both PAM and CLARAHandles outliersDisadvantages:Computational complexity of CLARANS is O(N


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