1、<p><b> 附錄2:科技文獻</b></p><p> 我國儀器儀表與測量控制科技的發(fā)展</p><p> 儀器儀表與測量控制在當今社會的重要地位和作用;我國儀器儀表與測量控制的基本概況;儀器儀表與測量控制發(fā)展的趨勢和特點,以及我國儀器儀表與測量控制近年來的重大進展。</p><p><b> 一 地位作用&l
2、t;/b></p><p> 眾所周知,當今世界已經(jīng)進入信息時代,信息技術成為推動科學技術高速發(fā)展的關鍵技術。著名科學家錢學森明確指出,“信息技術包括測量技術、計算機技術和通信技術。測量技術是基礎?!蓖醮箸裨菏恳惨辉購娬{,“測量技術是信息技術的源頭?!毙畔⒓夹g的快速發(fā)展,產生了新興的龐大的信息產業(yè),信息產業(yè)已經(jīng)成為帶動世界經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的龍頭產業(yè)。美國商業(yè)部1999年度報告在關于新興數(shù)字經(jīng)濟部分提出,信息產業(yè)包
3、括計算機軟硬件行業(yè)、通信設備制造及服務行業(yè)、儀器儀表行業(yè)。這就是說,測量技術是信息技術的基礎和源頭,儀器儀表行業(yè)是信息產業(yè)的重要組成部分。不言而喻,儀器儀表與測量控制在當今信息時代推動科學技術和國民經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展具有何等重要的地位。</p><p> 那么,儀器儀表與測量控制對推動科技、經(jīng)濟和社會的發(fā)展重要作用究竟是什么?2000年中國儀器儀表學會接受國家計委、國家經(jīng)貿委和科技部的委托,組織了一個專家調研組對全國儀
5、清二楚。令人鼓舞的是,儀器儀表與測量控制“倍增器”、“先行官”、“戰(zhàn)斗力”和“物化法官”的重要作用已經(jīng)為社會各界,包括政府部門所共識,成為加快發(fā)展儀器儀表科技和產業(yè)的科學依據(jù),并在文件、報告和講話中廣為引用。</p><p> 由于儀器儀表與測量控制的重要地位和作用受到了社會的高度重視,近些年來國家采取了一系列重大措施加快發(fā)展。值得特別提出的舉措有:2001年3月舉行的七屆四次全國人大會議上提出“國家經(jīng)濟與社會
7、劃綱要”,涉及到了多項儀器儀表與測量控制發(fā)展項目。2008年4月,科技部、發(fā)改委、教育部和中國科協(xié)聯(lián)合發(fā)出了“關于加強創(chuàng)新方法工作的若干意見”,正式啟動創(chuàng)新方法工作在全國開展。這份文件中,明確提出創(chuàng)新方法包括創(chuàng)新思維、創(chuàng)新方法和創(chuàng)新工具三個要素,創(chuàng)新工具主要就是指推動科技創(chuàng)新的科學儀器??茖W儀器的重要作用被進一步提升,開發(fā)研究得到更有力的支持。此外,在863計劃,特別是航</p><p><b> 二
8、 基本概況</b></p><p> 談到儀器儀表與測量控制的基本概況,應當包括兩個方面,那就是學科和產業(yè)。</p><p> 儀器儀表究竟是不是一門獨立的學科?過去一直存有爭議。今天,我們可以毫不猶豫地回答,儀器儀表與測量控制已經(jīng)發(fā)展形成一門獨立完整的學科。之所以得出這樣的定論,我們有四條充分的理由。第一,儀器儀表與測量控制學科具備了自己特有的一整套基礎理論和技術,其中主
10、現(xiàn)在定名為“儀器科學與技術”學科,全國近250所高校設置了相應的專業(yè),3萬多名本科生和1萬多名研究生在校學習。我國高校為“儀器科學與技術”學科制定了專業(yè)培養(yǎng)目標和規(guī)范,已經(jīng)為儀器儀表與測量控制領域培養(yǎng)了幾十萬學科技術人才;第三,儀器儀表與測量控制學科是一門工程應用學科,與之相適應的產業(yè)的形成和發(fā)展是學科發(fā)展的物</p><p> 談到我國儀器儀表與測量控制產業(yè)的基本概況,先讓我們了解一些統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)。2007年我國
13、域,已經(jīng)有部分儀器儀表技術上取得了新的</p><p> 按照應用領域的不同,我們習慣地把儀器儀表和測量控制劃分為六個大類,即工業(yè)自動化儀表與控制系統(tǒng)、科學儀器、醫(yī)療儀器、電子與電工測量儀器、各類專用儀器、傳感器和儀器儀表元器件及功能材料。這是一個大致的分類,其間存在著許多交叉和滲透。工業(yè)自動化儀表與控制系統(tǒng),主要應用在工業(yè)生產流程中的檢測和控制;科學儀器應用面極廣,包括科學研究、教學實驗、物質分析、安全監(jiān)測等
15、成了儀器儀表與測量控制學科體系的基本內容,它們的產業(yè)成為儀器儀表與測量控制產業(yè)體系的重要組成,而它們的發(fā)展決定著儀器儀表與測量控制的未來。</p><p> 當我們分析我國儀器儀表與測量控制現(xiàn)狀的時候,不能不清醒地認識到它同國際先進水平相比,同我國經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展的實際需要相比,還存在著很大的差距。差距是全方位的,最要害的有三點:</p><p> 第一,我國儀器儀表產業(yè)規(guī)模小,產值低,
17、p><p> 第二,我國儀器儀表產品質量上、品種上還存在不少問題。產品的可靠性和穩(wěn)定性,長期以來沒有得到根本解決,嚴重影響到市場銷售和正常使用。許多大型精密儀器我們還生產不出來,國內需求幾乎全部依賴進口。2007年我國儀器儀表產品出口創(chuàng)下了88億美元,可是進口卻達到了172億美元,逆差84億美元,成為裝備制造業(yè)之最。這個問題不解決,我國儀器儀表與測量控制學科和產業(yè)的發(fā)展將無法擺脫落后被動的局面。</p>
18、<p> 第三,我國儀器儀表產業(yè)創(chuàng)新能力不強,還無法承擔起科技創(chuàng)新主體的責任。國際上儀器儀表科技創(chuàng)新發(fā)展極快,產品更新?lián)Q代的周期大約只需2至4年,多數(shù)企業(yè)銷售額一半以上幾乎都來自5年內上市的新產品。而我國儀器儀表產品不少還沿自于20世紀80年代技術引進的產物,相當多企業(yè)產品是10年一貫制,靠吃老本為生。自主創(chuàng)新能力不強原因是多方面的,影響最大的不外乎兩條:一是科技創(chuàng)新開發(fā)投入資金太少。國外企業(yè)用于科技創(chuàng)新資金投入一般為銷
19、售收入8至10%,而我國企業(yè)投入資金很少超過3至5%,何況銷售收入本來就不多,極大地限制了科技創(chuàng)新的有效開展;二是人的因素,有的領導不重視自主創(chuàng)新,更多的是創(chuàng)新人才匱乏。黨的十七大提出,提高自主創(chuàng)新能力,建設創(chuàng)新型國家是國家發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略的核心,是提高綜合國力的關鍵。企業(yè)提升科技創(chuàng)新能力,已經(jīng)成為刻不容緩的歷史使命。</p><p><b> 三、趨勢特點</b></p><
20、p> 當今,儀器儀表與測量控制發(fā)展的趨勢是:面對產品的穩(wěn)定性、可靠性和適應性要求不斷提高;技術指標和功能不斷提高;最先采用新的科學研究成果;高新技術大量采用;儀器及測控單元微小型化、智能化日趨明顯;要求儀器及測控單元可獨立使用、嵌入式使用和聯(lián)網(wǎng)使用;儀器測控范圍向立體化、全球化擴展;測控功能向系統(tǒng)化、網(wǎng)絡化發(fā)展;便攜式、手持式以至個性化儀器大量發(fā)展。技術特點是:綜合各種新技術,在研究儀器儀表相關類型傳感器、元器件和材料及技術的基
22、無創(chuàng)和低創(chuàng)直視診療、精確定位治療技術的基礎上發(fā)展醫(yī)療儀器;同時跟蹤新學科領域和各類應用領域的發(fā)展,開發(fā)各種專用、快捷、自動化檢測和計量</p><p> 工業(yè)自動化儀表與控制系統(tǒng)和科學儀器,在產值和市場兩個方面都占據(jù)著儀器儀表與測量控制總體的一半,是儀器儀表與測量控制體系的兩大支柱。由于發(fā)言時間有限,下面就讓我們把主要的注意力放在這兩類儀器未來的發(fā)展上。</p><p> 工業(yè)自動化儀
23、表與控制系統(tǒng)未來發(fā)展的關注點應當是:</p><p> 1、自動化儀表與企業(yè)的信息化</p><p> 自動化儀表技術包括信息采集、處理和應用?!捌髽I(yè)信息化”實際上是企業(yè)信息的集成和整合。為此,必須用自動化和系統(tǒng)的信息模型“簡化”、“規(guī)則”和“抽象”信息,以便最有效地利用信息。這是自動化儀表領域的一項基礎工作,也是統(tǒng)一信息表達的重要手段。</p><p> 2
24、、自動化儀表工程項目全局信息和全生命周期信息的整合</p><p> 這是實現(xiàn)自動化儀表系統(tǒng)的全面可互操作??苫ゲ僮魇欠謱哟蔚?,實現(xiàn)需要一個漫長的過程。近年來IEC62424標準的出版,InTools工具軟件功能的擴充以及控制系統(tǒng)與現(xiàn)場儀表層各項可互操作標準的推出是發(fā)展中一個重要標志點。</p><p><b> 3、功能安全</b></p><
25、;p> 近年來功能安全的重要發(fā)展是,大量經(jīng)過功能安全認證的儀表推向市場。為了爭取競爭中有利地位,幾乎所有儀表制造商都會開展功能安全的研究。</p><p> 4、系統(tǒng)維護與儀表診斷</p><p> 系統(tǒng)維護與儀表診斷越來越受到用戶、制造商和研究者各方的關注。它分為四個層次,生產流程的診斷、生產裝備的診斷,自動化控制系統(tǒng)的診斷和現(xiàn)場儀表的診斷。</p><p
26、> 生產流程的診斷原則上不屬于自動化儀表范疇,但是診斷信息的交換涉及自動化儀表系統(tǒng)。針對生產裝備的監(jiān)控,診斷儀表系統(tǒng)已經(jīng)推出了新產品。自動控制系統(tǒng)的診斷通常是控制系統(tǒng)中設備管理軟件的一個模塊或一種功能,負責控制系統(tǒng)自身以及現(xiàn)場儀表的實時診斷和預測性維護?,F(xiàn)場儀表的診斷難度較大,維護周期由智能儀表的損耗情況或固定時間確定。</p><p><b> 5、無線通信</b></p&
27、gt;<p> 工業(yè)無線通信技術的快速發(fā)展是自動化儀表領域顯著的亮點,它的特征是:技術方案多樣化,參與者迅速增加,成立了專業(yè)組織。推出多種無線演示系統(tǒng)、測量儀表樣機,將成為全球主要自動化儀表展覽的熱點。</p><p><b> 6、控制網(wǎng)絡</b></p><p> 未來幾年網(wǎng)絡控測和網(wǎng)絡儀表是自動化儀表發(fā)展的重點,發(fā)展方向是大幅提高速度、簡化安
28、裝和調試的復雜性、擴展無線功能以及發(fā)展網(wǎng)絡技術。</p><p><b> 7、標準化</b></p><p> 標準化在自動化儀表發(fā)展歷史上發(fā)揮過重要作用,未來還會對我國儀表產品追趕世界水平發(fā)揮重大作用。在新經(jīng)濟時代,有大量信息接口標準的需求,它的共同特點就是在相同的。</p><p> Our instrument measuring
29、 and control the development of science and technology</p><p> Instrument measuring and controlling in today's society; the important position and role, Our instrument measuring and controlling the basi
30、c situation, Instrument measuring and controlling the development trends and characteristics of China, as well as measuring instrument and control the significant progress in recent years.</p><p> A positio
31、n</p><p> As is known to all, the world is into the information age, information technology has become the key to the development of science and technology, high technology. Famous scientist xuesen has made
32、 it clear that "information technology including measurement technology, computer technology and communication technology. Measuring technique is based. WangDaHang academician also emphasized, "measuring techni
33、que is the source of information technology. The rapid development of information technology, </p><p> So, the instrument measuring and controlling to promote science and technology, economic and social dev
34、elopment of what is important? In 2000, Chinese instruments, learn to accept the state planning commission, the state economic and trade commission and the ministry of the entrusted organization of national research grou
35、p, a specialist in an instrument industry for three months of study. Very rare is WangDaHang, YangJiaChi, jin, 3 academicians participated personally, and research activities in</p><p> Due to the instrumen
36、t measuring and controlling of the important position and role is the social attention in recent years, the state adopted a series of important measures to speed up the development. Deserves special mention measures are:
37、 March 2001 seven-time four times at the National People's Congress on "national economic and social development during the 10th five-year plan", "the development of specifically instrument in importan
38、t position. National development program, and to mention in</p><p> Two basic situation</p><p> About instruments and measurement control of basic situation, should include two aspects, that i
39、s, discipline and industry.</p><p> Instrument is an independent discipline? Over the past has been controversial. Today, we can be answered unhesitatingly, instruments and measurement control has formed a
40、complete development. The conclusion, we conclude that the four good reason. First, the instrument measuring and control subjects with its own set of basic theory and technology, which mainly includes theory and technolo
41、gy, detection sensor measuring theory and technology, the signal processing theory and technology, error analy</p><p> About our instruments and control the basic situation of the industry, let us know some
42、 statistical data. 2007 China instrument industry scale enterprises above 3954 for home, achieve output 3078 billion yuan, sales income reached 3005 billion yuan, both breakthrough 3000 million yuan. Compared with the sa
43、me period of 2004 1000 billion yuan in 2006, 200 billion yuan, 4 years more than 30% annual growth rate. 30 billion yuan of sales and export commodities reached 88 billion dollars, up the previ</p><p> Acco
44、rding to the different application, we used to measure the instrumentation and control is divided into six types, namely, industrial automation instrument and control system, scientific instruments, medical instrument, e
45、lectronic and electrical measurement instruments, all kinds of special instrument, sensors and instrumentation components and materials. This is a general classification, there are many crossover and penetration. Industr
46、ial automation instrument and control system, and is mai</p><p> When we analyze current measurement instrument and control, cannot understand clearly that it is compared with the international advanced lev
47、el, and the country's economic and social development of the actual need, compared with a large gap still exists. The gap is comprehensive, the most crucial have three points:</p><p> First, our instrum
48、ents industry in small scale, low value, enterprise is also in small scale, low value. In 2007, our instruments industry output 30 million yuan, total industrial output value of 2.5%. Ten years ago, the United States ins
49、truments industry output has achieved 4 billion dollars, the total industrial output value of 4%. Now, the instrument enterprise is more than 20 million dollars less than 50, China's largest instrument enterprise, th
50、e instrument group is 80 million yuan RMB, the</p><p> Second, our instruments product quality, variety also exist some problems. Product reliability and stability, long-term since no fundamental solutions,
51、 severely affect marketing and normal use. Many large precise instrument, we also produce almost entirely on imports of domestic demand. In 2007, our products are exported to set the instrument imported us $8.8 billion,
52、but it reached $17.2 billion deficit of $84 billion, equipment manufacturing, become the most. This problem is not solved, our in</p><p> Third, our instruments industry innovation ability is not strong, st
53、ill cannot assume responsibility of technological innovation. International instrument technology innovation consciousness, product update cycle only about 2-4 years, most of the enterprise sales more than half are from
54、almost five years of market with new products. But our instrumentation products many also along from the 1980s technology import product, considerable enterprise product is 10 years on a consistent, glide. Indepe</p&g
55、t;<p> Three characteristics and trends</p><p> Nowadays, the instrument measuring and controlling the development trend of the stability of the product is: face, reliability and flexibility require
56、ment enhances unceasingly, Technical indicators and function constantly improve, First to adopt new achievements in scientific research, High technology used in great quantities, Instruments and control unit of micro min
57、iaturization, intelligent become increasingly obvious, Measuring instrument and requirements can be used independently, unit and n</p><p> Industrial automation instrument and control system in the producti
58、on and scientific instruments, and market both occupied with the measurement instrument, is half the total control instrument measuring and controlling system of the two big pillar. Due to the limited time, let's put
59、 the main focus on the future development of two kinds of instruments.</p><p> Industrial automation instrument and control system for future development of concerns should be:</p><p> 1, indu
60、strial automation instrument and the enterprise's informatization</p><p> Industrial automation instrument technology including information acquisition, processing and application. "The enterprise
61、informatization" is actually the enterprise information integration and integration. Therefore, we must use automation system and information model "simplify", "rules" and "abstract" in
62、formation, so as to make the most efficient use of information. This is an automated instrumentation field work, is an important means of unified expression.</p><p> 2 and instrumentation project global inf
63、ormation and the whole life cycle of information integration</p><p> It is the automation system of comprehensive interoperable. Interoperable is hierarchical, realization needs a long process. In recent ye
64、ars, IEC62424 standard InTools tool software function expansion and control system with the instrument layer various interoperable standards has an important development is reversible.</p><p> 3 and functio
65、n</p><p> In recent years, the development is the important function of security, a security certification by the instrument function of the market. In order to get the competition advantage position, almos
66、t all instrument manufacturers will develop the function of security.</p><p> 4, system maintenance and diagnostic instrument</p><p> System maintenance and diagnostic instrument manufacturer
67、and user, more and more attention of the parties. It is divided into four levels, the production process of diagnosis, production equipment, automation control system of diagnosis and diagnosis of field instruments.</
68、p><p> Production process in the diagnosis of automated instrument does not belong to the category, but the diagnostic information exchange involves instrumentation systems. According to the monitoring and dia
69、gnosis of production equipment, instrumentation systems have launched a new product. Automatic control system of diagnosis is usually in the control system of a module equipment management software, responsible for a fun
70、ction or site instruments and control system of the real-time diagnosis and pr</p><p> 5 and wireless communication</p><p> Wireless technology, industrial automation instrument field developm
71、ent is the significant characteristic of window, it is: the technical scheme, diversification, participants is increasing rapidly, founded the professional organization. Launch various wireless demonstration system, meas
72、urement prototype, will become the world's major industrial automation instrument exhibition.</p><p> 6 and control networks</p><p> Over the next few years network control and network ins
73、trument is focusing on the development of industrial automation instrument and development direction is greatly increased speed, simplify installation and commissioning of the complexity and the expansion of wireless net
74、work technology development and function.</p><p> 7 and standardization</p><p> Standardization in instrumentation development history, played a important role in the future will also to pursu
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