1、<p> 畢業(yè)論文附件:英譯漢(譯文)</p><p> 中 文 題 目: 移動電子商務 </p><p> 英 文 題 目:The Emergence of M-Commerce </p><p> 原 作:[美] Henry·Stewart
2、 </p><p> 學院(直屬系): 經濟與貿易學院 </p><p> 年級、專業(yè): 09級電子商務 </p><p> 學 生 姓 名: 張 月 </p><
3、;p> 學 號: 312009110209409 </p><p><b> 中文譯文:</b></p><p> 摘要:移動電子商務作為電子商務在無線網絡中的拓展和延伸,會進一步促進網絡消費的成熟。據獨立機構研究結果顯示,移動電子商務,即通過移動設備及無線網絡進行的商務與服務活動,不久將會成
4、為商業(yè)和社會的主導力量</p><p> 關鍵詞:移動電子商務 </p><p> 驅動移動電子商務的力量</p><p> 在90年代中期,美國聯(lián)邦通信委員會拍賣了個人通信服務的頻譜空間,推動了當代無線通信方式的發(fā)展?,F(xiàn)代無線通信終端不僅僅包括移動電話,而且還包含個人掌上電腦(PDA),數字助理等一系列設備。 </p><p><
5、;b> 無線基站的建設 </b></p><p> 互聯(lián)網的應用使傳統(tǒng)PC領域的網絡發(fā)展強大。據Dataquest公司和Yankee集團預測,服務器的發(fā)展規(guī)模將會在2003年達到5億。電子商務及其他溝通應用促使如此大規(guī)模的服務器領域必須持續(xù)增長。此外,由于這些系統(tǒng)將擁有更大的處理能力和存儲能力、更好的價格性能比、更強大的性能以及更復雜的應用,它的出現(xiàn)有可能會漸漸成為臺式機應用和互聯(lián)網的主流。
6、 </p><p> 雖然這些預測令人印象深刻,但個人電腦有兩個限制的地方。首先,用戶必須坐在它們面前。其次,即使便攜筆記本電腦,但它需要加載軟件,撥入和網絡服務供應商連接,并在接入互聯(lián)網前需要等待握手協(xié)議的進行。這個過程是可以理解的,但它最好是在一個可容忍的范圍。因此,主要應用雖有許多麻煩,但仍在可接受范圍內讓那些用戶遵循這一訪問序列,至少以保持計算機和應用程序的操作運行。 </p><p
7、> 總體來說PC的規(guī)模是巨大的,當中還包括了更多的移動通訊設備在使用。 Gartner集團和其他研究機構估計,到2004年,全球移動電話用戶群將超過10億,以2倍于PC用戶的數量。此外,其他無線移動設備的用戶數量也將大幅度增加。無線PDA的應用規(guī)模將會在未來三年內擴大3倍 。不同于個人電腦,這些無線設備無需啟動順序,因此人們可以以方便、快捷的方式使用它們,這種快捷應用能使這些產品更具吸引力。</p><p&g
8、t;<b> 無線協(xié)議標準 </b></p><p> 正如傳輸控制協(xié)議/ Internet協(xié)議和通用瀏覽器作為中流砥柱力量驅動著互聯(lián)網的發(fā)展,讓不同的設備互連以及交流,類似的因素將簡化異構互連和無線設備通訊。移動網絡運營商目前依靠在一個多標準且互不兼容的無線接入標準。最近一個共同的通信技術終于出現(xiàn)了,它制定和提供了移動設備的無線服務、無線應用協(xié)議(WAP)的統(tǒng)一接口標準。 </p
9、><p> Wap的規(guī)格包括一個微型瀏覽器、類似JavaScript的腳本、接入功能、會話分層交互規(guī)范、傳輸以及安全性。這些規(guī)范使應用程序的接口獨立和互操作成為可能。 大多數手機和無線設備制造商,以及一些服務和基礎設施供應商,已經認可了WAP標準。 </p><p><b> 充足的帶寬 </b></p><p> 當前的接入技術,包括TDM
10、A(時分多址)、CDMA(碼分多址)和GSM,提供速度為9.6至19.2 Kbps的傳輸。這種速度對比臺式的撥號接入互聯(lián)網具備相當大的差距。雖然移動電子商務可以在這種低速帶寬下實現(xiàn),但這種低速卻不利于調動廣泛商家和消費者參與的積極性。 </p><p> 到2002年,3G(第三代)無線技術將實現(xiàn)應用。除了擁有高達2 Mbps帶寬速率,3G還將支持多媒體傳輸。整合語音、數據交互、以及多方視頻將可以在任何無線設備
11、上進行移動電子商務。此外,3G技術得到了國際電訊聯(lián)盟的積極支持,并提高3G技術實現(xiàn)的可能。 </p><p> 移動電子商務的應用 </p><p> 移動電子商務的應用可分為三大類:交易管理,數字內容交付,遙測服務。 </p><p><b> 交易管理 </b></p><p> 用戶通過移動設備將會體驗到越
12、來越豐富的商業(yè)應用。針對手機和掌上電腦的在線購物平臺已經出現(xiàn),并已實現(xiàn)瀏覽、選擇、購買、付款及交付的功能。 這些網站囊括了購物所必要的因素,如在線目錄、購物車和后臺功能。在這個領域中網上書店已經實現(xiàn)了無線平臺的購物交易。</p><p> 另一種移動電子商務交易應用涉及通過無線設備實現(xiàn)購買支付以及實時服務。這種交易應用會隨著用戶所獲得的越來越多的應用體驗而不斷增長,并可使管理更為簡便。 </p>
13、<p> 對移動電子商務發(fā)展呼聲最高的來自小額交易。相對于硬幣他們更愿意通過手機或掌上電腦使用電子貨幣,以便解決諸如地鐵付費等問題,電子貨幣的廣泛應用將會成為現(xiàn)實。</p><p><b> 內容交付服務 </b></p><p> 數字內容交付使用了無線頻道的分布特征。這些移動電子商務活動包括信息瀏覽、即時狀態(tài)信息檢索(天氣,交通時刻表,體育比分,門
14、票銷售情況和市場價格)和目錄服務。CNN的無線新聞訂閱服務和UPS掌上電腦的包裹追蹤和定位服務是這種新興內容交付服務的代表。 </p><p> 數碼產品易于通過無線設備實現(xiàn)傳輸。因此,3G的到來能使如娛樂、MP3音樂等下載應用變得更為普遍 。傳輸軟件、高分辨率圖像和全動畫廣告信息也將成為日漸普遍。高品質的顯示屏和更大帶寬的出現(xiàn)無疑將引發(fā)視頻應用領域的發(fā)展創(chuàng)新。人們在未來可實現(xiàn)通過無線設備訪問、檢索、存儲和展示
15、多媒體的高清晰視頻內容,以及遠程教育。 </p><p><b> 遙測服務 </b></p><p> 以傳輸、接收、傳感和測量信息的遙測服務,這個新領域的廣泛應用離不開以移動設備建立的基礎。這領域的創(chuàng)新成果,可以讓人們使用手機和其他無線設備接入到他們的家、辦公室或者其他地方。比如,送貨司機接入到智能配送機或倉庫的電腦,確定他們哪里最需要活動庫存或哪里需要立即服
16、務。同樣,用戶可以通過發(fā)送郵件來激活錄音設備或遠程服務系統(tǒng)。</p><p><b> 被動式應用 </b></p><p> 主動式移動電子商業(yè)應用是指只有在當事人傳達付款細節(jié),請求信息,接收具體內容,或檢索狀態(tài)信息等活動,應用才會被啟用。相比之下,被動式應用是作用在用戶沒有實施任何行為的情況下,例如個人現(xiàn)金卡的消費資料收集。電子資金流在移動設備上的集成將會對現(xiàn)
17、金卡造成沖擊,使現(xiàn)金卡變得不那么必要了 。這些無線設備可以促進和記錄消費支付、交通運輸、快餐、其他交易、所有未經授權的用戶或對每個交易信息進行確認。用戶通過無線設備的直接自動更新可以安排他們的資金流,連接他們的資金源,以及在他們需要的時候下載額外的數字現(xiàn)金。</p><p> 在歐洲較為流行的短信,是一種長度為最多160個字符的文本信息,它會顯示在收件人的屏幕上,這是一種典型的被動式應用例子。隨著數字融合日漸普
18、及,無線設備將會被各種郵件所被動,其中包括數字化語音郵件、傳真文件和電子郵件。這些必要技術目前已趨于完美,進一步認識和得到普遍訪問使這些服務將很快普及。這些有償的移動電子商務活動將會增加,并有可能會使支付系統(tǒng)得到革新。例如,無線設備中那些以音頻或視頻廣告為收入的免費服務。 </p><p> 被動安全、預防入侵和緊急遙測服務會對設施及個人進行完善的檢測。任何不尋常的事件或不能接受的條件會及時給用戶提醒,無論身在
19、何處。 </p><p> 航空公司正在測試一項技術,通過無線設備用以提醒乘客,特別是那些飛行的???,給予他們一些座椅的升級、日程的變動等信息。目前一些航空公司已將這種原型遙測系統(tǒng)投入應用,當旅客進入機場或者通過就近的自助服務設施時,就會及時收到這一類的信息。</p><p> 被動式移動電子商務遙測是另一種互動營銷形式的基礎。商店可以將他們的產品與服務以促銷優(yōu)惠券和信息的形式傳遞給客
20、戶,如“:進來免費品味一杯我們店新推出的混合咖啡吧!”或者“半價促銷,僅限這半小時哦!”但這種營銷也可能面臨一種新的挑戰(zhàn):關掉您的移動設備,防止移動垃圾信息。</p><p> 這種技術對移動電子商務的促進是無窮的,甚至可以演變成為其發(fā)展的障礙。 應用程序和無線設備的發(fā)展是相輔相成的,二者中一個領域的革新都會使另一方變得更為強大</p><p> 商業(yè)的機遇和挑戰(zhàn)是需要一個不斷變化的戰(zhàn)
21、略, 利用移動電子商務的優(yōu)勢,去幫助他們在日漸白熱化的數字市場中競爭。而構建這種策略所面臨的最大挑戰(zhàn),來自于技術創(chuàng)新能給用戶什么功能,與消費者與商業(yè)人士所期望的是什么功能,這一矛盾。</p><p> (摘自:電腦報:移動電子商務的興起,2000年12月,第148-150頁。)</p><p> The Emergence of M-Commerce</p><p&
22、gt; Driven by a widespread understanding of the Internet’s capabilities, the power of electronic commerce, and advances in wireless technologies and devices, mobile commerce (m-commerce) is rapidly approaching the busin
23、ess forefront. According to independent research findings, m-commerce—the conduct of business and services over portable, wireless devices—will soon be a dominant force in business and society. For example, </p>&
24、lt;p> ?IDC, an information technology research firm, reports that 70 percent of all wireless subscribers worldwide will access data applications via their phones by 2002.</p><p> ?The investment firm
25、Robinson Humphrey predicts that, in the US, 50 percent of Internet hits will originate from wireless devices by 2004.</p><p> ?The Yankee Group, a telecommunications research firm, projects that by 2004 mo
26、re than 40 percent of wireless users in the US will access Internet content directly from their mobile devices.</p><p> The viability of these projections depends on the power of the underlying technology d
27、rivers and the attractiveness of m-commerce applications. To compete in a marketplace dominated by wireless devices, businesses must devise effective m-commerce strategies. Building successful strategies begins by recogn
28、izing the forces driving m-commerce’s emergence.</p><p> FORCES DRIVING M-COMMERCE</p><p> The US Federal Communication Commission’s auctioning of personal-communication-service spectrum space
29、 in the mid-1990s triggered the current rush to the wireless communication methods. Wireless communication now encompasses not only telephones but also appliances, including personal digital assistants (PDAs).</p>
30、<p> Wireless-installed base</p><p> Internet use has grown on the strength of PC networks. According to Dataquest and Yankee Group projections, the installed base of PCs will reach 500 million by 20
31、03, as Figure 1 shows. This huge base is essential to continued growth in electronic commerce and other communications applications. Moreover, because these systems will have greater power and storage capability, as well
32、 as the best ever price-performance ratios, more powerful and sophisticated applications will likely emerge into the m</p><p> Although these expectations are impressive, PCs still have two limiting charact
33、eristics. First, users must sit in front of them. Second, even portable notebook PCs require loading software, dialing into and connecting with a network service provider, and awaiting completion of the handshaking proce
34、ss before launching an Internet application. This sequence is understandable, but at best it seems a tolerable nuisance. Hence, the dominant applications are still those that are worth the trouble it t</p><p&g
35、t; The aggregate PC installation is substantial, but even more mobile communication devices are in use. The Gartner Group and other research firms project that by 2004, the installed base of mobile phones worldwide will
36、 exceed 1 billion— more than twice the number of PCs. In addition, the number of other wireless mobile devices will also increase dramatically. Wireless PDA use will more than triple in the next three years. Unlike PCs,
37、these wireless devices require no boot sequence, so people can u</p><p> Wireless protocol standards</p><p> Just as the transmission control protocol/Internet protocol and the general-purpose
38、 browser were principal drivers of Internet growth, letting disparate devices interconnect and communicate, similar factors will simplify the interconnectivity and communication of heterogeneous wireless devices. As Figu
39、re 2 shows, mobile network carriers have relied on a variety of incompatible wireless access standards. Recently, however, a common communications technology and uniform interface standard for pres</p><p>
40、WAP specifications include a micro-browser; scripting similar to JavaScript; access functions; and layered communication specifications for sessions, transport, and security. These specifications enable interface-indepen
41、dent and interoperable applications. Most wireless handset and device manufacturers, as well as several service and infrastructure providers, have adopted the WAP standard.</p><p> Ample bandwidth</p>
42、<p> Current access technologies, including TDMA (time division multiple access), CDMA (code division multiple access), and GSM (Groupe Spécial Mobile), transmit at 9.6 to 19.2 Kbps. These speeds are dramati
43、cally slower than the dial-up rates of desktop PCs connecting to the Internet. Although m-commerce is possible at these bandwidth rates, the slow speeds are not conducive to creating widespread business or consumer parti
44、cipation.</p><p> By 2002, 3G (third-generation) wireless technology will be available. Besides having greater bandwidth rates, with speeds up to 2 Mbps, 3G will support multimedia transmission. Integrating
45、 voice, data, and one- or two-way video will let m-commerce run over any wireless device. Moreover, active support from the International Telecommunications Union is likely to make 3G practical.</p><p> M-C
46、OMMERCE APPLICATIONS</p><p> M-commerce applications fall into three main categories: transaction management, digital content delivery, and telemetry services.</p><p> Transaction management&l
47、t;/p><p> Users will increasingly initiate a wide range of business transactions from mobile devices. Online shopping sites tailored to mobile phones and PDAs— including browsing, selection, purchase, payment,
48、 and delivery—have already emerged. These sites include all the necessary shopping features, such as online catalogs, shopping carts, and back office functions. Online booksellers are among the firms that have already im
49、plemented wireless shopping transactions.</p><p> Another class of m-commerce transactions involves using wireless devices to initiate and pay for purchases and services in real time. These kinds of transac
50、tions will likely increase as users gain the capability—and become comfortable enough—to manage them.</p><p> The highest m-commerce transaction volume will probably occur in micro-transactions. When indivi
51、duals reach for their e-cash-equipped mobile phones or PDAs—rather than coins—to settle transactions such as subway fees, widespread use of digital cash will be a reality.</p><p> Content delivery services&
52、lt;/p><p> Digital content delivery uses the wireless channel’s distribution characteristics. These m-commerce activities include information browsing—instant retrieval of status information (weather, transit
53、schedules, sports scores, ticket availability, and market prices)—and directory services. The CNN Wireless news subscription service and the UPS PDA-linked package tracking and locator service are representative of emerg
54、ing content delivery services.</p><p> Digital products easily transport to and from wireless devices. Hence, downloading entertainment products—for example, MP3 music—is likely to become even more commonpl
55、ace when 3G arrives. Transferring software, high-resolution images, and full-motion advertising messages will also become common activities. The emergence of high-quality display screens and greater bandwidth will undoub
56、tedly trigger the development of innovative video applications. Individuals will use wireless devices to access, </p><p> Telemetry services</p><p> The transmission and receipt of status, sen
57、sing, and measurement information—telemetry services—forms the basis for a wide range of new applications involving mobile devices. Innovations in this area let people use wireless phones and appliances to communicate wi
58、th various devices from their homes, offices, or in the field. For instance, delivery drivers will “ping” intelligent dispensing machines or store computers to determine where their rolling inventory is needed most or wh
59、ich locations nee</p><p> PASSIVE APPLICATIONS</p><p> Active m-commerce applications function only when someone directly initiates them by transmitting payment details, requesting information
60、, receiving specific content, or retrieving status information. In contrast, in passive applications, a transaction occurs without the user taking any action—for example, automatic collection of toll charges with dedicat
61、ed cash cards. Integrating digital cash into mobile devices would make these cash cards unnecessary. These wireless devices would facilitate an</p><p> Popular in Europe, short messages— text messages, up t
62、o 160 characters in length, that show up on the recipient’s display as they arrive—are examples of passive content delivery. As digital convergence becomes more commonplace, all forms of mail will passively go to wireles
63、s devices, including digitized voice mail, fax documents, and e-mail. The necessary technology is nearly perfected, and greater awareness and universal access to these services will soon make its use commonplace. These f
64、ee-for</p><p> Passive security, intrusion, and emergency telemetry services will refine monitoring of facilities and individuals. Any unusual event or unacceptable condition will trigger user notification,
65、 regardless of location.</p><p> Airlines are testing technology that will let them alert passengers, especially frequent fliers, of seat upgrades, schedule changes, and so on, through wireless devices. Som
66、e airlines already have prototype telemetry systems that transmit this kind of information to passengers as soon as they enter the airport or pass near a kiosk-like device.</p><p> Passive m-commerce teleme
67、try is the foundation of still another form of interactive marketing. Stores will be able to market their products and services by transmitting promotional coupons and messages to passers-by: “Come in and enjoy a complim
68、entary cup of our new coffee blend,” or “Get half off, if you make your purchase within the next 30 minutes.” This type of marketing may give rise to a new challenge: managing m-junk messages without turning off your wir
69、eless device.</p><p> The technology to facilitate m-commerce is within reach, even as barriers to its development fall away. Applications and wireless devices promise to evolve together, each driving the i
70、ntroduction of innovative and powerful features in the other. The opportunity, and challenge, for business is to develop strategies that capitalize on the strengths of mobile commerce, thereby helping them to compete in
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- 電子商務畢業(yè)論文
- 電子商務畢業(yè)論文
- 電子商務_畢業(yè)論文
- 電子商務畢業(yè)論文
- 電子商務畢業(yè)論文
- 畢業(yè)論文外文資料翻譯--日趨完善的電子商務
- 畢業(yè)論文移動電子商務與網絡營銷
- 電子商務畢業(yè)論文消費金融與電子商務
- 電子商務系畢業(yè)論文
- 電子商務畢業(yè)論文6
- 電子商務專業(yè)畢業(yè)論文
- 電子商務畢業(yè)論文2
- 電子商務 畢業(yè)論文2
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